(no subject)

Apr 29, 2009 23:45

Today was basically a perfect day.

I had these amazing dreams last night, both in that they made me happy and that they were very very vivid. First, I was fishing. Now, in real life I am terrible at fishing, but in my dream I caught two fish almost instantly, yellow perch, and I could see their scales glistening in the sun and feel their fins wet against my hands. I brought them to my friend's house (this was a person I had never seen before) so she could cook them for a dinner party she was having. I asked if she needed any help and she said no, so I went for a walk.

Fade to the walk. I am on this amazing forest path, golden light shafts filtering through the trees, the leaves lit up brilliant green where the light shone behind them, flowers dripping off branches everywhere, birds singing more beautifully than I'd ever heard...it was like walking through a painting, but I have never seen a painting that beautiful. Eventually I go back.

Fade to the dinner party. My friend has prepared amazing food, and my other friends have all arrived, all in couples, happily married. I didn't feel lonely though; I must have had a husband back home or something. Anyway, these people were all so happy and interesting, we talked about how beautiful the house was. My friend talked about how hard but interesting it is to be a housewife and do all the chores and decorating. It was beautiful and creative, lots of painted screens and a balcony with strings of gold beads hanging from the roof to make it look all mystical. It was like Alicia style but a little more expensive-seeming.

Anyway, we laughed and ate and talked and finally I woke up, so happy, totally rested.

This morning I went to Gangnam to sign up for Korean classes again. I knew the academy might be closed so I made backup plans: go have Indian food (which I have been craving for weeks) and then walk back to my academy.

Well, the academy was open so I got my receipt and my Korean homework book (since I am gonna use the same textbook). Then I went to have Lunch Special B at Baba India: tandoori chicken, one samosa, lamb curry, garlic naan, and raita for dessert. Then I walked back to my academy. I talked to David on the phone part of the time, which was nice. We're making plans for the long weekend.

School went well, I finished all my progress reports for April, my students were all in good moods and didn't fight with each other or slack off. My science experiment went perfectly. The photocopier worked all day long. And I created a new spreadsheet for my classes that makes much more sense than the old one and doesn't have any spelling mistakes like the old one. It took almost an extra hour to finish after I was supposed to go home but it was worth it.

And the Indian food stayed with me for, seriously, ten hours, so I wasn't even hungry until I got home.

And tomorrow the long weekend starts! Yay!

food, korea, dreams, readingtown

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