(no subject)

Feb 06, 2002 21:11

Today has been, thus far, a joy-filled, ridiculous day.

I got meself untangled from my green and blue nighttime bliss around 9, two hours later than I had planned.

I finished my Liz Carr readings and wrote one of my response papers. The other will be done tomorrow.

I walked into class my fashionably-late three minutes after ten, and was greeted with, "Elena! Speaking of, I was just saying Elena had a wonderful title for her response paper, 'Music and Mothering.'" Thirty-second stardom. Mahvelous, luve. We discussed Miss Edwina Gately, who rocks my world because she makes God into a stand-up comic. That's the way, girl. You know what's a-goin' on. Britta, in her habit of brilliance, threw class into her mindset for a full half-hour. The angsty black woman (thrice-persecuted, did you know?) will have to wait till next time.

I have been practicing my dance routine in the hallways. Meep.

Italian was GOOD. I got what was going down, I even taught one of my fellow classmates about the differences between discorso diretto and discorso indiretto. (the fancy-schmancy words for 'he said,' 'she said.') I know what we talked about, I know what is for homework, I know that I have discussion tomorrow, I know we are starting films next week in Seelye 106, AND I know that Miss Amy Berger told me to call her every day so we could talk for ten minutes.


Manicotti. I don't like it. I don't get it. But I ate it anyways. I also had a big pile o' green stuff and tomatoes and FABULOUS Italian bread and tea.

Tea was had with Miss Britta, mia mia, and a random girl named Nicole who I decided I liked right away. I would like to eat with her another time.

After Miss Britta left, I decided I was in a ridiculous mood and attacked mia mia with it. Mrowmpf.

Then I returned to my Rainbow/Bright room to drink water and play as a reward for being a good girl last night and leaving Bob in the off status. (yesterday nancy said to me, there's a note on your computer. What does it say? It says, STOP. Have you done your reading?)

I WANT to CUT my HAIR. It is driving me bonkers. But I also want to be able to braid it. I can't have both. Gah. I hate the way I look. I probably wouldn't mind so much if I felt that making myself all lovely before class was a priority, but I don't, so I just look mediocre all day, every day.

(On a related note, there is a veryvery cute boy with veryvery long hair in my Jesus seminar, so I might very well start awakening a bit earlier on Tuesdays to doll myself up. Ahem.)

Glee Club! Happiness with the Leaden Toadstool! Rachel and I had a chat on the way home.

Food. I ate lots. Dennis (the kitchen man) told me to eat more than I had intended. It was good, though. We had a digestible version of beef stroganoff, and it had wine sauce. Mmm. Wine sauce always makes meat taste darker and more worthwhile.

I attempted to go to kickboxing, which didn't really work because they decided it was to be dance aerobics instead. Still fun. Still exercise. I should tell Liz Carr.

Betsy wanted me to go to what was apparently a really cool poetry reading. So did someone in Glee Club. Some other people in Glee Club think we should all go audition for Groove, which I had actually decided to do, after all, until I realized that they meet at the same time as Bodywise. And my not-so-benevolent roommate would probably kill me if I dropped out.

Speaking of my roommate, I feel the need to express her overcommitted status. She is now House President, Secretary/Treasurer of ASA, chair of Bodywise, Government Liason (I think), Chair of the Academic Honor Board, and therefore on SGA cabinet, graduating in three years rather than four (which means she takes six classes every semester), has applied to law school, and is going to internship interviews. I have no idea how she does it. Whenever she's home, she is watching TV. Ay yi yi. I think maybe she has several clones to take care of all her stuff. But if that is true, how come one of them doesn't hang out with me every so often?

food, liz carr, glee club, nancy, religion, mia, britta

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