(no subject)

Nov 22, 2005 22:24

I ride on public transportation a lot.

Graffiti amuses me.

For some reason, the whited-out phrase, "GRACE FARTED" always makes me smile. But one of the more impressive accomplishments lately has been the destruction of a Lufthansa airlines ad. It once said "Hundreds of destinations, none more welcoming than home. Lufthansa. There's no better way to fly." Now, due to a black permanent marker, it says "Hundreds of nations, none welcoming me. There's no way to fly." Now, of course, it is pretty depressing, but I was still impressed.

I went to see "Just Friends" with my friend Andrew. It was good. Very stress-relieving type of laughter, though the humor was mostly predictable and not very sophisticated. The female characters were all very two-dimensional. I enjoyed the brother dynamic, though. And it had the dude from Joan of Arcadia, which was cool. I think it's worth about four dollars. I saw it for free, cause Andrew had free passes.

And I wrote this on my way home:

Someone asked me today,
when I commented that I might like
To be a Buddhist,

"but wouldn't it bother you
to come back as a goat?"

And really, it wouldn't.

Goats have nice lives,
full of grass and
clicking hooves and
perhaps children's hands
at the petting zoo.

Come to think of it,
I wouldn't mind being a flea,
either, leaping further than
I could even see.

Or how about a daisy,
watching my petals
plucked one bye one,
predicting another's love.

I think all I really need
is to come back at all.

All I really need
is life.

poetry, andrew

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