Welcome, December Spiritual Crisis.

Dec 03, 2001 20:56

So once again I have gotten to that point where I realized I am so wrapped up in material world and everything that it going on in my own little life, that I've forgotten how to pray.

I've forgotten to live this life of being on my best behavior. I've forgotten to sing Dandelions every day. I've forgotten to pray unceasingly. I've forgotten that God is EVEN MORE important than all these beautiful people all around me.

But it has been so dark. SO dark. Out there, in here, and in HERE.
How, Lord, am I supposed to see your light if you throw this blanket of sadness and pain over my eyes?

But of course, the answer is where it has always been.
Everyone is God.
Everyone shines the light of her heart out through her eyes.
Look at them. Their eyes are stars. The earth is filled with stars. There is so much light, you can't suppress it. It shines through the darkness that covers each of us in this time.

But sometimes I can't look up. And sometimes they can't look up. And sometimes we can not open our eyes to let our light shine through.

Oh, what a sun-worshiper I am.
When I was little, I imagined that God was the sun, sitting in a chair.
Now that I am older, I still imagine that God is the sun, sitting in a chair.

And so I believe I am the sun. A star, yellow and vibrant and bright and uncontainable.
And so I am.
Each of us is a bit of stardust. For once there was only stardust.
And now there is us.
But you can still see the star in each of us.

No one can contain us.
Except ourselves.
Open your eyes, my dearest.
Open them.
Let me see the stars.
For I need you light in order to live mine.
And do not be selfish.
For without your light shining out, no light can shine in.
My light makes you stronger.
Your light makes me stronger.
Together, watch them try to stop us.
Just watch them try.

And we shall stand against the oppression.
We shall stand
An army of light.
And darkness cannot overwhelm the light.
The light fills the darkness
Overwhelming the emptiness with joy.

We cannot be contained.
We cannot.
And we will not.

poetry, depression, god, ideas

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