My roommate has decided she is Mr. Bean.

Nov 26, 2001 00:16

I am in a hysterically joyous mood.
Perhaps I am high off Pink Erin.
Perhaps I am high off my carrel, which I have named Canada. (I'm going to Canada to study...back in an hour.)
Perhaps I am high off my family.

Perhaps I am high off that double espresso.

Everything seems perfect and wonderful.
I went to see Harry Potter with every sibling I have as well as Sonnet-who-is-fabulous-and-who-I-would-marry-if-given-the-opportunity, and her little brother Loc, who had a big crush on me when he was eleven or so. I enjoyed thw movie quite thoroughly, despite the fact that they left out the part about Dumbledore's SOCKS, which I had been looking forward to. We all shared one very large Sprite (free refills...and they gave us six extra cups!!) and one very large vat of popcorn. Marvelous.

Made three wreaths today, from Liz's and my spruce trees. One was hung on the front door, one was an advent wreath for home, the other was an advent wreath for school. I missed having advent wreaths TOO TOO much last year. I deemed it necessary. Will go to the dollar store tomorrow for three purple candles and one pink one.

Friday, after attending an absurd football game in Amherst in which I sat amidst the absurd UMass band, I went ice skating with my ex-boyfriend and his awesome girlfriend and my sister. Heavens to Betsy, how I adore ice skating. It's flying for me, it really is. I didn't want so stop, but they kicked us all out at ten. Probably a good thing, I had blisters on my ankles by then. Not as bad as the ones I had two years ago, but still.

I have eaten a lot of pie and turkey (I got to carve the turkey!!) and my dad's gravy in the past few days. Despite this, I appear to have lost two pounds. I consider this to be a good thing. (look, Layna has cheekbones!) I'll get worried if I hit 125.

Oh my, how beautiful the night is. Pink Erin was wandering around in her naked feet. She always makes my day <---this much---> better. Erika and Diana were also outside, returning home. They are so beautiful. The trees looked dramatic. Reaching their wiry black branches into the gray ominous sky, they appeared to be just distracted enough not to notice my presence, for if they had, surely they would have reached down to capture me.

I love Hungarian salami.

While I was at home, I made in my head two lists. One is of people I could say "I love you" to and really truly mean it.

Toby S.
Kate M.
Sarah Beth
Kate O.

People I don't know quite well enough yet:
Carrot Ears
Mia mia

The other list is of the best things people have ever said about me.

"You are beautiful. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." ~Brian.
"You are the truest person I have ever known" ~Yuko.
"Mommy, why is her smile so happy?" ~a little girl at Mrs. Mack's.
"I think you're already filled with joy." ~Heather.
"You're one of the few people that actually cares about other people." ~Lisa.

Ohhh, how I love the world.

food, thanksgiving, quotes, movies, lists, coffee, library, family, anthony, pink erin

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