Oct 11, 2001 22:52

This is something I do not say nearly often enough.

he is BUILDING me a lightbox. Oh yes. And I thought he only did computers.

Talked to sister the youngest for a VERY long time today. She is mad at her choir director and the injustice of the world, which is apparantly conspiring against her.

BUT, on the 26th of October, I shall go home to see the Lance Bass movie on opening day! Now, NONE of you is permitted to call me pathetic, but I am way excited. I shall also go and get my tooth fairy outfit for Hallowe'en. And I shall dye ALL of my hair green for the holiday and make Meg-ringlets. Yes yes.

I MISS TOBY! And I want us to be roommates and eat tomato salad once a week and pasta every day and I want to wash the dishes and clean the bathroom and listen to bizarre music and be. For at least a year. And I will waitress and we will barely pay the rent but I will go out and buy socks with my tips and we will make sock puppets and be.

That Uncle Cracker song is playing. I have this overwhelming desire to choreograph that song whenever I hear it. But then the song ends and I don't think about it anymore.

This may seem random, but i think some of you will really understand. Sometimes I am really grateful that I am able to pee.

Took a five-hour nap today. In the middle, scary men appeared outside my window and took off the screen and talked loudly and painted. So not only was I awakened from my healing sleep, BUT there are paint fumes in my room. My mom says I should go study somewhere else.

I should.

I LOVE my Smith little sister. We talked about all sorts of things today. Like ice hockey.

Where has my peace gone? I had it, it was so strong, my peace, my grace, my faith filled me up and my cup runneth over...and somehow, the well has dried, there is but a drop of wine left in the goblet. And I am still thirsty.

Today my sister "diagnosed" me with clinical depression. I should not have been so surprised.

I do not want to be capable.
I want my problems to overwhelm me.
So there is nothing I can do.
But sleep.

Evidently most people don't think this way.

The problem is, now, the solution.
Because I don't want to not want to be capable.
I want to desire to be good.
To do good.

Confession? Daily? Weekly?
Prozac? (blech, I don't want that)
Suicide? (this is ill-advised)
Dropping out of school? (also ill-advised)
Move to California where winter is not?

Je ne sais pas.

But for now, now I must eat Ramen and do laundry. I am wearing my barely-present undergarments.

halloween, hair, jean, religion, suicide, movies, god, dad, depression

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