Late again

Apr 16, 2001 18:34

So here I am, waiting patiently for my ex-boyfriend, who is forty-five minutes late. La la la. I don't know WHY I expected promptness today as opposed to any other day. Dude, he is always late, even when he is driving me to work and I actually have a time I NEED to be somewhere. *sigh* At least he is buying me dinner at my favorite resteraunt. I am hungry as a bungry. I already ate a bunch of mozzarella sticks. I liked the look of dinner today, so i brought myself up a whole nother plate of food. Eh, I can have dinner twice, right? We have SAUSAGES today. Yeah!

I am SO extremely glad that I am no longer a vegetarian. Being kind to animals made me a horribly irritating person. I would probably go out and kill the animals just for spite if I had to keep that vegetarian thing up much longer.

Okay, I need to be writing my Decamerone paper, but I am just not in the mood. I have not done much of the reading lately. I have been feeling very spiteful at Italian class and culture of late. *deep breath* But I suppose I should bite my tongue and deal.

Boccaccio, Boccaccio, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways....

italian, anthony

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