I hope the parade went well today.

May 27, 2002 23:19

On Friday night I had a really NEAT dream that I went to the rectory with Christine and Father Linnane. He wanted to make authentic vestments, so me and Christine got to dye them with berry juice and saffron and stuff. He also showed us ones he'd made himself, which included a rainbow chasible and one that had several layers of brown, with an alpha and omega still white on one side (he said that they had a second meaning in Thelemite tradition, meaning "Sacrifice to God). It was really neat.

On Saturday night, I dreamed that I was presiding over a Mass, and I got really hungry in the middle and ate the host before consecrating it. Oops. I told the altar servers to pretend like we never had that part of the Mass and just to skip over it. It didn't really work.

I was hoping that I would have another priest dream on Sunday night, but I had a dream about being equipment manager for fortyfive violinists instead. Not as fun.

As for my DAYTIMES, well, they've been quality. I spent more than 24 hours with my roommate, and gave her a red George Foreman grill and a pair of socks and ate a phenomenal amount of meat, and pretended to be able to dance, and tried to figure out the rules to a Chinese gambling game called MJ, and watched scary movies, and tried not to mind that 80% of the conversation was in Cantonese.

On Sunday, I learned how to play Pounce (which is a card game), which is way fun. That's pretty much all I did that day. I watched some of Gandhi.

And today, Anthony came over and we taught him how to play Pounce, and then we went to Sonnet's house for a cookout, which was partly a cookout and partly a cookin because it rained off and on throughout the day. We watched True Lies and I ate more meat, and we listened to Loc play his electric guitar and Sonnet read her stories, and we played a video game called Bounce, which I decided I didn't like because 1, it's a video game; 2, it's really violent; and 3, I kept losing.

And now I am home. Tomorrow we must clean our room because Chris doesn't want to live in a fire hazard anymore. Either that or she wants to have parties in our room and there isn't the space now.

Tomorrow I must also call Monica. (Monica is one of my bosses at the bakery. The day I call her is the day before when I start work. Monica likes me to start as soon as possible cause that means she can take a day off and ride her motorcycle around.)

sonnet, games, religion, god, church, dreams, nancy, family, anthony, calling, parties

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