taken from _metro_'s journal..I guess we are calling them meme's now?

Nov 04, 2005 00:51

*10 Favorites...

1. Favorite Color: Yellow!
2. Favorite Food: Um.. no real one fav.. sushi..good pasta..
3. Favorite Song: Again.. no one favorite..
4. Favorite Movie: Dead Poet's Society and Amadeus are the defaults there..
5. Favorite Sport: Football, Baseball and Ballet (yes its a damn sport.. try it)
6. Favorite Season: Winter
7. Favorite Day Of the Week: Whatever day I get the most "me-time" during..
8. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Dunno..
10. Favorite Word: Onomatopoeia

*9 Currents...
1. Current Mood: confused, sad, tired, frustrated.. all in one.
2. Current Taste: lemonaid
3. Current Clothes: yoga pants and a long sleeve t-shirt
4. Current Desktop Picture: John Stewart & The Daily Show set.. I adore him.
5. Current Hair Color: dirty blond
6. Current Time: 1:16 am
7. Current Surroundings: living room, south park on tv, baron snoring..
8. Current Annoyance(s): boys & school

*8 Firsts...
1. First Best Friend: Brooke Lowery
2. First Kiss: David
3. First Screen Name: Daphne (after Daphne du Maurier)
4. First Pet: Lucky Dog
5. First Piercing: ears
6. First Crush: Mark.. can't remember his last name..
7. First Music: dunno?
8. First Car: White 1987 Dodge Charger

*7 Lasts.....
1. Last Cigarette: Few hours ago..
2. Last Drink: Lemonaid..
3. Last Car Ride: Driven by me on my way home from work..
4. Last Kiss: Paul.. dressed as a Baseball player at a Halloween party..
5. Last Movie Seen: Boondock Saints
6. Last Phone Call: Jonny
7. Last TV Show Watched: Family Guy

*6 Have You Evers....
1. Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: Yes
2. Have You Ever Broken the Law: Yes
3. Have You Ever Been Arrested: No
4. Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Yes
5. Have You Ever Been on TV: Yes, several times.
6. Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: Yes

*5 Things....
1. Things You're Wearing: Yoga pants, long sleeve t-shirt, earrings.. hair rubberband..
2. Things You've Done Today: Worked at home, studied, went to meetings, played xbox, played with my puppies
3. Things You Can Hear Right Now: cars going by (open windows), south park, my typing, baron snoring
4. Things You Can't Live Without: Friends, Dogs, Music, Dancing, Fun, Books
5. Things You Do When Your bored: shop, play xbox, watch tv, play with puppies, sleep..

*4 Places You Frequently....
1. Shop for clothes: The Rack, NY & Co, Bebe, Arden B, Loehmanns, Express.. oh right, only 4.. woops!
2. Like to eat dinner: Sushi place, good Chinese,.. at my moms.
3. Go to with friends: Shopping, Tranz, Dinner, private parties, wherever we have fun *shrug*
4. Take a date: Sedona, Theatre, Private night at home, night out on the town

*3 Person You....
1. Trust the most: Neil
2. Can tell anything to: Neil
3. Cannot live without: ... it wouldn't be easy but all things are possible.

*2 Choices...
1. Black or White: Black
2. Hot or Cold: Cold

*1 Wish...
1. I could find someone to be worth being crazy in love about... (_metro_'s answer, but I liked it so I kept it.)
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