Jun 15, 2004 23:42
Well today is officially day 2 of NO SMOKING!! GO ME GO ME!!
Now we'll see how hard its gunna be this weekend when im hanging out with everyone and drinking.
I PAID OFF MY WARRANT TODAY!!!!!! I feel much better now about driving, BUT...my fuckin stickers are out on the truck. So im still kinda screwed but at least i wouldn't go to jail. Anyways I'm just happy its done and over with. Fuck speeding tickets...take care of them right away so you don't have to deal with this bs!
Tonight was good. I napped til about 6pm and so did Abbi. It was great sleep. Then i made dinner and cleaned up the kitchen. Gave Abbi a bath and played w/ her for awhile.
I decided to call my Bro and ask if he wanted to go running. So i went to his place and we went running and i ran the whole 1 mile!! WOOOT...go go my outta shape ass! I only walked like 1min. of it so i could catch my breath...damn smokers! I will definitely go running with him more cause i need to get in shape so me and Judd can run some marathons this summer together. It will be awesome.
Now i just have to get my mom to go to Yoga classes with me. I think it would be so relaxing to go to Yoga...Never done it before but i've heard good things.
Found out today that there are going to be 60+ people coming to our family reunion this next weekend. Im excited. I haven't see everyone in YEARSSSSSSSSSSS! Now everyone gets to meet my daughter. :) :) Im not looking forward to the trip up there because its on an airplane but im afraid Abbi's gunna want to run around and be all loud. We'll just have to cross our fingers that she does well and that no one sits between me and my brother on the plane so she can have her own seat. *maybe some dremamine*...who knows...i'll ask the doctor if i can give her something to keep her calm i guess.
Over all tonight was a good night. I'm glad i got off my ass and did some working out tonight, makes me not feel like such a lard ass from all the FOOD i've been eating lately...*flicks off Crispy* hehe*******