Random linkage on a Friday

Sep 21, 2012 11:42

Sketch Fest today! (And shortly I will be off to Ellen’s house for lunch and art!)

Here’s a poignant and thought-provoking article I ran across: Top five regrets of the dying. I think it’s worth pointing out that not all of this, or every aspect of this, is within everyone’s control. Not everyone can choose whether to work long hours or not. People with brain-chemical imbalances (which includes most of us at one point or another) can’t make themselves happy through better decision-making. And so forth. But I also think it’s worth looking at this list and thinking about how you’ll feel looking back on it in twenty years or forty. Are there things you’re not doing now that you’ll regret doing later? I remember when I was in my teens how I used to ask myself “Will this matter to me when I’m 25?” (25 being the oldest that I could imagine myself, I guess. *g*) And now I’m 36. What, of the things I’m doing now, will matter to me when I’m 50?

We had a windstorm a few days ago and a lot of the leaves fell off the trees, but before that I took a few pictures of the colors. I love this time of year - with all our aspen trees, the woods behind the house look like the ground is covered in gold coins.

Originally published at Layla's Wordpress blog. You can comment here or there.
This entry is also posted at http://layla.dreamwidth.org/201565.html with

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