(no subject)

Jul 07, 2012 00:12

Monday's Kismet page will update as normal (finishing the current scene); then I will take a brief hiatus for the rest of July, and resume updates on August 6. Mostly this is because I have family in town for nearly all of July, and spending time with rarely-seen family is a much higher priority than getting art done! I'd also like to get a backlog of pages ready to go. Right now I'm basically working week-to-week, and it's stressful. (I am a trifle OCD about deadlines -- when I have a deadline, I can't really think about anything else. Having a regular deadline each week is turning out to be more frustrating than enjoyable, and I can't seem to get enough pages done ahead of time to take a couple of weeks off.)

Raven's Children will update as normal, since those pages are already done; all I have to do is write commentary.

I'm hoping to use the hiatus time to work on a growing list of things I'd like to do to improve the navigation and visibility of the comic. Now that I'm starting to get back into the swing of updating a weekly webcomic (yay!), I'm starting to realize that everything I know about webcomics is half a decade out of date. My list of things to do (incrementally) over the next month or two:

- Get the front page of my site running Wordpress
- Get all the HM archives hosted on my own site as well as on WCN and LJ/DW
- Get the Hunter's Moon book ready to go. Maybe I should put this one in all caps, since it's been on my "to do" list since *cough* 2006. HUNTER'S MOON BOOK! HUNTER'S MOON BOOK! aaagh!
- Explore various options for posting and promoting the comic on social media sites (Tumblr; Facebook; what else?) In particular, I'd like to:
a) create a Tumblr
b) create a "business" Facebook account and use it to post update notifications

What else? Is there anything anyone can think of that I'm overlooking? Places I should be investigating? Other ways of interacting with an online audience that I'm not thinking of? I don't want to go overboard with signing up for things and bog myself down in unnecessary and redundant sites to update. On the other hand, I'd like to experiment with some new sites and see if I can find better and more efficient ways of doing the things I'm already doing.

This entry is also posted at http://layla.dreamwidth.org/194397.html with

to do

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