Where have I been lately? Writing novels, mostly. (Nothing published. Nothing even close. Don't get excited. *g*) But I plan to get my webcomics off the ground again (yes, I know we've all heard that before, but this time I MEAN IT!) and generally start having more of an original-fiction/webcomic presence on the Internet again.
My website, laylalawlor.com, has been cleaned up and redesigned (
check it out). The Kismet site is still basically the same (aside from adding a few more of the older stories). The rest of the site is fairly minimal at this point, but designed to be easy to expand as I start rebuilding my projects again.
I will also be doing a series of introductory LJ/DW posts talking about my different creative projects. There are a few new people following me these days, and even those of you who've been around since the old days (hi! *waves*) came here through different channels -- some of you knew me from conventions, some from Kismet, some from fandom, etc. So over the next few days, I'll make some little update/overview posts for:
• Kismet
• Raven's Children
• Freebird
• Other projects (novels, etc)
Other stuff that's coming up:
• I'm restarting Sun-Cutter again! Tentatively this is planned to begin in April, if I can get a decent backlog of pages by that time. (In the meantime, see the
Sun-Cutter tag for the first 15 pages from 2009.)
• I'm going to do an annotated version of Raven's Children -- basically just the old pages, but with new commentary. And I've never had the whole thing online before. I'll talk about this more when I get to the RC post.
It's almost spring here in the north country (never mind the four feet of snow and the below-zero temperatures outside), and I'm energized and ready to make this my job again!
This entry is also posted at
http://layla.dreamwidth.org/179287.html with