futher twilight musings...

Jun 01, 2009 11:43

I am one sad human being.  I would like to reach into Imaginary Forks Land and beat Bella Swan senseless, yet I continue reading this series.  Besides the fact that I am sick to death of hearing about how effing beautiful Edward supposedly is, and the fact that REAL VAMPIRES DO NOT SPARKLE!!!  I've come to the conclusion after reading the second book and being halfway through the third that Stephenie Meyer must have decided to make Bella an incapable moron.

Edward treats her like an incapacitated idiot who cannot walk on her own, talk on her own, do anything unless he's hovering his mopey, emo, sparkly ass nearby.  All through the second book when he ran off "for her own good" or whatever, and she spent time with Jacob, that was a lovely change.  Someone who believed she was strong and capable of handing anything on her own.  That is what I am talking about.  But of course it didn't last, and Sparkly Emo Vampire came back.  But I still cannot stop reading these damn books.  Someone come slap me, please???

twilight, books

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