Aug 25, 2008 09:44
On Friday I watched 20/20 because the House rerun on USA I'd seen about 40 million times. Anywho, 20/20 was exploring the reasons why Memphis has the highest infant mortality rate in the country right now. One of the reasons is girls are having babies at drastically young ages, and the younger you are, the more likely you are to go into labor early. And when a baby is born two months, three months, even four months early, their chances of survival are very small.
Anywho, the show could have me in rant city for a month, so I'll just focus on one aspect that really bugged. This white Christian woman from the suburbs participated in this program put on by her white surburban church. (The young moms I spoke of in the first paragraph are generally African-American and live in the city.) These white people decend upon the city from their white horses to help the poor African-American girls. (Ugh.) But this one woman in particular they choose to highlight her "work." She is mentoring a 17-year old pregnant girl. The girl flat-out says, "I'm not ready to be a mom. I don't know what I'm doing." Then they go to this woman, who on top of her stupidity, has a tiny baby voice coupled with a Memphis accent. Ugh. Her voice grates like hell. Anywho, the narrator states that the mom was originally going to get an abortion because of the fact that she is so young and inexperienced and had no support. (Her father left the house and refuses to speak to her, and her mother isn't helping at all - not even emotionally.) But this white woman had convinced the girl to keep the baby and raise it. The crazy voiced woman coos about how she's helping this mom. She goes to doctor appointments with her, which is good because those pre-natal appointments are vital in making sure a baby goes to term.
Anyways, the next part that bothered me was this woman decided to give the girl a baby shower at a recreation center because she was an unwed mother. Her reasoning was she shouldn't have one in a church because church people would say no.
Way to help, but judge at the same time. This woman swooped in, and took a vunerable young girl's life in her hands, and has now basically made all her decisions for her. This girl was probably looking for a mama right now, since hers wasn't around. Sadly, this self-rightous jerk is who she found. I have no issue if she had decided not to have an abortion, and to have the baby, I support every woman's RIGHT to choose. But it seems this girl was coerced, which I DO NOT agree with. How the FUCK can this pretty white woman have ANY clue about what is right for this girl? This lady doesn't have to worry about money, or how her kids are going to be fed. This girl will have to worry about those things.
Rant over, but come on now. I did like how the show didn't portray the woman as some "angel" or hero or anything. They were pretty neutral about it. I was shocked, since I think 20/20 is an ABC program, and they tend to be a little conservative about things.
Anywho, back to work for me.
women's rights,