Jan 20, 2007 14:08
So I'm doing my daily check of the MySpace page and I see that my friend Suzanne has posted in her blog. Suzanne is an old friend from college. She used to live across the hall from me in the dorms when I shared a room with Traci sophmore year and she dated Bamber-Ryan (he went by Bamber in high school and when I knew him in college. It's his middle name. His first is Ryan, and now he insists on going by Ryan. However, I know him as Bamber, so he shall henceforth be known as Bamber-Ryan. So there.) Anyways, Bamber-Ryan is a good friend so therefore, Suzanne became a good friend. She borrowed my fairy wings for a Halloween present and she loves Tori Amos. She is awesome. I found her again via MySpace, and she is also pregnant right now. She's only a couple weeks behind me, so it's pretty nifty.
In her blog she has updated that she had her sonogram, and she is also having a boy. She went on about some other issues she's having and she is feeling JUST LIKE ME. THANK GOD I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE.
First issue. She was holding out for a girl. I myself have preached that I didn't care either way as really, I didn't. But in the back of my mind, I just thought that I'd already had my chance at a boy (long story) so perhaps the universe wouldn't see fit for me to have another. That and I liked the idea of having an older daughter. So when the nurse said "Oh it's a boy!" I felt kind of "Oh...bummer." But didn't show it. I don't know what it is, I don't buy into that "woman must have a daughter" stuff.
Second issue was the body. She had said she felt odd and sad about how she doesn't feel as sexy anymore. OH YEAH can I relate to this one! I have only in the past four or five years made peace with how I looked. I thought I was too skinny and all that. So to JUST make friends with my body then it goes to hell, well, that's something I'm not dealing with very well right now. Cory insists that I'm very sexy, but I don't feel it. It's messing with me. And maternity clothes DO NOT help. "Feeling bad about yourself? Here, have some maternity pants." Nothing like pants with "front-butt" to make you feel even fatter.
It was just awesome to find someone having the same issues as me. Not that I'm not excited, there's just those issues that I'm dealing with and it's nice to not feel alone.
body issues,