Okay, if you do not agree with gay marriage, first of all, I don't know why you're reading my journals, as everyone who knows me knows my opinions, but anyways, if you don't agree with it, don't read this. Also, if you don't agree with it, move to Iraq where they don't allow anything.
Anyways, this morning, I'm reading my news on cnn.com, and run across this jewel:
http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/06/03/bush.radio.ap/index.html Our stupid president, is trying AGAIN to push an Amendment into our CONSTITUTION, stating that marriage is between a MAN and a WOMAN.
Let us step back for a moment. I was not alive yet, but I've read about the 50's and 60's. Separate drinking fountains, separate restrooms, the back of the bus, etc. etc. We look back on those laws now and think "Why on earth did we treat our African-American citizens that way? What was wrong with us?"
The hillbilly we have in office is afraid of gay people, so he's trying to stick some laws on THEM. A quote from his radio address:
****"Ages of experience have taught us that the commitment of a husband and a wife to love and to serve one another promotes the welfare of children and the stability of society," Bush said in his Saturday radio address. "Marriage cannot be cut off from its cultural, religious and natural roots without weakening this good influence on society."****
Oh yeah, because gay people can't raise kids. MY DAD RAISED ME, BUSHIE! Oh wait, and I'm a democrat, I think I'm onto something here.....
"Stability of society?" Are you fucking kidding me? If a couple lesbians get married does the whole country go into anarchy?? This man amazes me. How does he get dressed in the morning? He must have a butler for that shit.
We won't even talk about how he thinks it would be "cut off from it's roots" or some shit. I've got plenty to talk about, this will be a long enough rant.
More quotes:
****"Sadly, President Bush is playing election-year politics with this divisive issue," the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, said Friday. "He is shamelessly using this ploy to energize his right-wing base. We should never rewrite the Constitution to enshrine intolerance."****
YES! Pretty much! We wrote in how women had the right to vote, we have removed what we felt was wrong and intolerant before. So why are we taking a GIANT LEAP back in time? What does our president want us to look like? "Bring us your poor, your STRAIGHT, and you'd better not be looking FABULOUS today!" Okay that was pretty stereotypical, but bear with me here. I'm freaking MAD.
More Bush genious:
****"As this debate goes forward, we must remember that every American deserves to be treated with tolerance, respect and dignity," he said. "All of us have a duty to conduct this discussion with civility and decency toward one another, and all people deserve to have their voices heard."****
YES, you idiot! Every American deserves TOLERANCE!! Then why are you promoting INTOLERANCE??
Luckily, the chances of this bastard getting passed are pretty damn slim as most of the senate and house of reps believe this is an issue to be decided by individual states, but STILL. The fact that our PRESIDENT sees fit to turn a LARGE GROUP of Americans into second-class citizens in THIS DAY AND AGE makes me see red.
GUESS WHAT PREZ BUSH? I'm a child raised by a gay man. My dad didn't come put til I was in college, but he's known he was gay for YEARS. I'm fine, I'm not a murderer, I work, pay my bills and taxes, and I'm straight. My brother has had more issues, but it has NOTHING to do with parenting, and everything to do with his own personal choices. But now, he's a working, tax-paying member of society who is also STRAIGHT. So there goes that stupid notion that gay people can't raise straight kids.
But this is what pisses me off...my dad has a boyfriend. They've been together about 5 or 6 years. My husband and I, ran off and got eloped over a long weekend. My dad and his boyfriend? Could never do that unless we moved to Canada. That is not fair. My dad and his boyfriend do not love each other any less than my husband and I love each other. Why is my dad less of a person than I?
My dad pays taxes, pays his bills, doesn't steal, lie, or break the law. He goes to work, he takes care of his house, his cat. He calls me and my brother, makes sure we are fine. Once in a while, he and his boyfriend will come up to where I live for a visit. On Sundays, he goes and sits with his dad, my grandpa, who is very ill so my grandma can go to church. He helps grandma clean the house.
Point being, MY DAD IS A GOOD PERSON. He just happens to be gay. According to our President, he is less of a person than I am. WHAT SENSE DOES THAT MAKE??? This is the man who RAISED ME. How is it that I have more rights than he?
Folks, this is 2006, NOT 1966. Why are we trying to take an entire group of our fellow citizens and stick them on the back of the bus, so to speak? Why is it, if my dad was dying, his boyfriend wouldn't be allowed in his hospital room, but I would be? Of course, I would fight tooth and nail to see to it that he'd be allowed in, but still.
I have a gay friend, who had a boyfriend who had AIDS. The boyfriend, we'll call "Nick," had caught it from an unfaithful ex. Nick left the ex, and met and started dating my gay friend, we'll call "Sam." Well, Sam and Nick dated for three years. They were very close, and Sam was there for everything. Nick had quit doing heroin, and Sam was there for many a hard night. Nick started back into doing drag shows (he did a killer Marilyn) and Sam was at every show with roses. Nick had to have surgery on his lungs, and Sam was there for him. Nick's family was disapproving of him being gay, and they wrote him off completely after they found out he contracted AIDS. His mother basically told him to hurry up and die so she wouldn't be ashamed of him anymore.
Well, the disease started getting bad. Nick was in and out of the hospital for all sorts of things - AIDS kills your immune system, so every cold, every sniffle gets horrific, and you end up in hospital. Nick knew how he'd die, and he didn't want that. He didn't want to waste away to nothing in a hospital bed. So when he was alone, he went out and bought a lot of heroin, and purposefully overdosed. He probaby just fell asleep, and didn't feel a thing. Unfortunately, Sam found him dead when he came home from work.
Now, Nick hadn't seen or heard from his family in YEARS. When he died, Sam called his mother, who swooped in, and kicked Sam out. Sam wanted something of Nick's - a necklace, a shirt, ANYTHING. Nick's mom didn't give him anything, and banned him from Nick's funeral. All Sam has to this day, is a VHS tape of Bjork's music videos that he'd borrowed from Nick and neglected to return.
And legally, Nick's mom had every right to do that. She hadn't seen her son in YEARS, and the man who did HER job, taking care of Nick when he was ill, sitting in the recovery room when Nick had his surgery, feeding him soup, all the things a mother SHOULD at least WANT to do, she didn't bother with. But she legally, had the right to keep Sam away from the apartment, and the funeral. Sam didn't want to make a scene, so he waited til way after, and visited Nick's grave.
THIS is what angers me. THIS is how Bush wants our gay Americans to live??? How would HE feel if his wife were sick, and there was some law forbading him from going to see her? I know, his marriage is SACRED because he's a male, and she's female. Because his religion says so.
Well in this country, there is still something called SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. And it's there for a reason. Bush's version of Christianity isn't the ONLY religion in this country. And marriage isn't a Christian thing. They didn't invent that shit. It's been around longer than Christianity and Jesus, folks.
Anyway, this is getting long, but I had to vent. I just cannot believe how stupid our President is being right now. It's sad when people I know who are die-hard republicans look at this man and say "Damn. What the hell did we do, voting this one in?"
Yeah. He's THAT BAD. Don't worry Bush, if we bother you, just ignore us. That seems to make you feel better. Keep reading that book about goats, don't worry about New York City being ON FIRE. It'll just keep burning, people will keep dying, but you keep ignoring it.
And like that tragedy, we who want EQUALITY, we will not go away, and we will not shut up.
2008, you cannot get here fast enough.