Top 10 Modes of Transportaiton to the DMB Concert

Sep 14, 2006 15:53

Here's the story: Tuesday on my drive home from work I hear on the radio that production for the Dave Matthews concert had finished setting up and they had released 200 more tickets for both Tuesday and Wednesday nights' shows. Knowing how quickly the show sold out when tickets went on sale in April, I was sure they'd be sold out again by the time I got home. I went onto Ticketmaster just for kicks. Sure enough I was able to get 3 tickets for Jenny, Mandy and I for Wednesday night on the floor no less!

The show started at 7 and we caught the RTD outside our apartment to take the express all the way downtown. We only got one stop down the line when the driver got off the bus and didn't come back. We all waited about 10 minutes until curiosity got the better of most of the passengers. We find out that a guy (who was illegally parked in the bus lane) had accused the driver of hitting the mirror on his truck. Well, the bus couldn't legally leave until the police/RTD officials arrived. We weren't even offered a transfer. The guy's mirror was still on the truck, which said a lot to me. Don't you think if a bus hits a mirror, the mirror is pretty much toast? So that guy was a douche. We didn't have enough time to wait for the next express bus so other arrangements had to be made.

We were bound and determined to make it to the show and we were successful. We ended up having Jordan drive the car and his bike over to us at the park & ride. He gave us the car and rode his bike home. On the drive to Denver we had a good time imagining other fun ways we could have arrived at the concert. The latest top 10 list is the result:

10. Dave’s bus pulled up and offered everyone a ride to the venue. We were made official “Nancies” on the spot.

9. Rode some cougars “Harold and Kumar” style.

8. Jenny solved the legal issue on the spot and the RTD was allowed to move along pretty much on time.

7. Boulder lifted the noise ordinance violation against Dave and the concert was moved to Folsom at the last minute. So we walked.

6. Hijacked a flight for life helicopter.

5. Hopped on one of the many VW micro buses filled with hippies, headed out of Boulder.

4. Hitched a ride on the backs of some Hells Angels’ motorcycles. Had to stop to take care of some “business” first.

3. Hitchhiked with a Canadian swagger.

2. Hijacked the POS truck hit by the bus by holding Mandy’s wine opener to the dude’s jugular vein.

1. Broke the land speed record in Mandy’s Volvo by taking what she referred to as the “Audubon HOV lane”.
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