Top Ten Things Jenny Would Rather Do Than Study For Finals

Dec 13, 2005 09:51

The last 2-3 weeks have been sort of nutso at my house because Jen, my sister, has been in the throes of studying for law school finals. She's been around this block before - this is her 5th semester in law school and she only has one more to go. After this afternoon she is done for 2005. Much drinking and debauchery may ensue this evening, but I will be there for her when it's all over; holding her hair back while she pukes, bringing her coffee and aspirin in the morning, and generally helping her feel quite accomplished - as she should. What's gone on these last weeks though, has been something to observe. There are quite a few things Jenny would rather do than study...and she did them. Here's a list:

10. Watch me put on makeup. I just noticed one day she was lingering a little too long in the bathroom, watching me do my hair and put on makeup. It sort of creeped me out.

9. Crochet. There is a very beautiful Gryffindor-colored scarf in the making. She likes to sit, crochet and watch stupid tv.

8. Attempt to kill me. Just the other night I was going to bed. Jen was pulling up the blankets as though she was going to tuck me in and ended up pressing them over my mouth and nose. Now, she doesn't normally tuck me in - I swear - but I asked her to shut off my light and close my door as she was leaving and she took this upon herself. Weird.

7. Break her car. Sunday night she was supposed to go to the law library to study and 2 hours later I get a voicemail that her car "just died" and it "must be the alternator." When I went to jump her car at the law school parking lot the next afternoon it cranked up just fine. Uh huh. It broked.

6. Talk about how bad the last exam was. She'll call relatives, friends, other friends who took the same test, and me to tell us how bad the last test was.

5. Intentionally shop for sweat pants to wear while studying. While I encourage her to be as comfortable as possible while studying, I have to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't wear the same new sweatpants 3 days in a row. 3 days is my limit. We applaud her when she wears the same outfit all day now.

4. Make pretty charts and graphs. This could be considered studying because it is material related and ends up being helpful during the test when she gets to use them, but it's my opinion that she is just a little too proud of them.

3. Singing to the hamster. Now, I can't rag on her too much for this. I used the hamster for creative inspiration when writing my script, but never have I sang to her. Jen claims the hamster has a theme song.

2. Sleep. Jen likes to wake up, take a look outside, and then return to her cave - much like a bear who hibernates and waits patiently for spring. When she told me she felt like a bear, I assumed she was overdue for a shave. Yeah. That ended up on the quote of the day.

1. Unload a dirty dishwasher. Apparently I "pre-rinse so anal-ly" that it was too hard for her to tell if the dishes in the dishwasher were dirty or clean. I pulled a gross looking mixing bowl out of the cabinet and thus discovered her mistake.

And there you have it. I survived my first semester of finals with Jen as my roommate. It wasn't pretty, but I didn't lose any hair over it either. I think I can manage another one in the spring...I think I'm gonna have to.
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