Nov 22, 2005 11:47
The Official Fill-in-the-Blank Biography (Extended Version)
Chapter 1: The Basics
Full Name: Sarah Wells
Initials: SWM
Primary Nickname: Sarah Bearah (only to be used by family members significantly older than me. Unless you'd like to lose an eye...)
Other Little Nicks: None
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: September 14, 1983
Star Sign: Virgo, and I show it.
Chinese Horoscope Sign: Boar
Current Location: Longmont, CO
Height: 5'9"
Weight: Don't want to know
Hair Length: Getting down my back again...time for a cut!
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Blue
Skin Tone (Light, Medium, Dark): pale, Pale, PALE whitey! (I'll just stick with Abby's answer)
Piercings: 5 in my ears.
Tattoos: Nope
Scars and Birthmarks: Let's see...There's the giant white birthmark going most of the way down my left leg, and there are plenty of scars either from being a klutz or the car accident.
Chapter 2: The Background
Mother's Name: Trudie
Mother's Hometown: Somewhere in South Carolina
Mother's Occupation: Volunteer and Education Coordinator for the Denver Zoo
Mother's Hair Colour: Brown
Mother's Eye Colour: Blue
Father's Name: James Michael, but goes by Mike or "MICHAEL!" (with a Texan accent if you're my stepmom)
Father's Hometown: Atlanta, GA
Father's Occupation: Plumber (yeah, yeah...start your joking, but watch me fix your toilet!)
Father's Hair Colour: greying/balding brown
Father's Eye Colour: green
What do you call your parents?: Momma and Daddy
Do you get along with your parents?: Depends on the day...
Do you live with your parents?: Nope...I jumped ship after high school.
Are your parents married/separated/divorced?: Divorced since I was 6.
Do you have any step-parents?: yes - my step mother, MaryAnn. And then there's Chuck, but hopefully not for much longer.
Do you have any step-siblings?: Until the thing with Chuck is over I have 8 stepsiblings.
Name/s and Age/s of Siblings: my sister, Jenny is 25
Do you get along with your siblings?: We live together and I still have all my hair...
Do you live with your siblings?: Yep
Name/s and Number of Pet/s: We have Cecilia, the adorable hamster and Bender, the gender-confused Beta fish.
Did you grow up in a different place where you live now?: Born in Georgia, moved to CO when I was 5 and went to college in MN. Now back in CO.
Where did you spend your summers as a child?: In Georgia with Dad.
What was the name of your elementary school?: Oh boy...Clayton Christian Academy, Belleview Elementary, Tarver Elementary, Cunningham Elementary, and Highline Elementary. Whew.
Did you play any sports in elementary school?: If you call chasing Rob and torturing him a sport, then yes.
Did you participate in any special extra-curricular activities?: Band, choir, handbells.
Who was your favorite elementary school teacher?: Mrs. Hezlep
What were some of your favorite TV shows in elementary school?: Full House, Murphy Brown, Inspector Gadget, Saved by the Bell, and Growing Pains, etc.
Who were your best friends in elementary school?: Kristal, Rob, Marie, Ashley
What was the name of your junior high school?: Prairie Middle School
Did you play any sports in junior high school?: If you call puberty a sport, then yes.
Did you participate in any special extra-curricular activities?: band, symphony, sunrise singers, volleyball
Who was your favorite junior high school teacher?: Mrs. Husk
What were some of your favorite TV shows in junior high school?: We didn't have cable...
Who were your best friends in junior high school?: Mara, Ann, and Jeannie.
What was the name of your high school?: Overland
Did you play any sports in high school?: If MARCHING BAND is a sport!
Did you participate in any special extra-curricular activities?: wind ensemble, symphony orchestra, percussion ensemble, pit orchestra, marching band.
Who was your favorite high school teacher?: Mr. L.
What were some of your favorite TV shows in high school?: I had the!? are you kidding?
Who were your best friends in high school?: Rob, Veronica, Justin, Jeannie, Mara, Ann, Terese, Nichole, Maresa, Emily, and the drumline.
Did you attend mostly private or public schools?: 2 of the 5 elementary schools were private and my college was private. Everything else was public.
Were you ever required to wear a uniform?: At Belleview we had to wear dresses.
Did you go to the same school as your parents?: Hardly.
Did you go to the same school as your siblings?: Except for college...
What is your family's cultural heritage?: First ones off the boat...
Chapter 3: The Style and Fashion
What's your dress size?: That depends...are you talking about my waist or my chest?
What are your favorite clothing labels?: Gap and Old Navy.
Do you prefer massive chain stores or little trendy boutiques?: Whatever looks good, is affordable and comfortable.
Do you consider yourself materialistic?: Everyone is these days.
Do others consider you materialistic?: Maybe?
Do you subscribe to any fashion magazines?: No
What brand/s of make-up do you use?: Mary Kay mostly and some Cover Girl
What's your choice of shampoo or conditioner?: Pantene...I likes my wax in my hair.
Have you ever gotten a Japanese perm?: Um no.
How often do you get a manicure and pedicure?: not as much as I would like!
Do you ever colour or highlight your hair?: No, I maintain my hair color virginity to this day!
Do you own a pair of UGG's?: Nope
Do you own a high end designer handbag?: Nope
Do you own any Louis Vuitton luggage?: Nope
Do you own more than one item from Tiffany & Co.?: Nope
What's usually on your wrist?: Nope
How long does it take you to get dressed each day?: That depends on if I have clothing picked out. I usually mentally do that in the shower.
How would you define your typical dressing style?: Comfortable and trying to match.
Are you obsessed with expensive designer brands?: Nope
Describe your perfect pair of jeans: Long, boot-cut, slightly faded from Old Navy
Do you judge other people based upon how they're dressed?: Sometimes you're forced to.
Do you have a signature scent?: Nope
Chapter 4: The Favorites
City: Chicago
Vacation Spot: Gulf Coast
Sport: to watch: Hockey and college football to play: I like to swim
Food: All
Dessert: Bananas Foster
Drink (Non-Alcoholic): Iced Tea
Drink (Alcoholic): Pinot Grigio
Eating Location: PF Changs
Ice Cream Flavour: Strawberry
Season: Spring
Holiday: Chrismahanukwanzikah
Actor: For comedy: Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler (have you SEEN him in Spanglish!?) and Will Ferrel. For drama: I'm not sure...I guess I like comedies!
Actress: I must not be thinking straight right now...I can't think of anyone dserving of "favorite"
Athlete: Dunno
Athletic Team: Avs and Bulldogs
Decade: I've only lived in 3 and they have all been so different...
Recent Memory: I had fun remembering elementary school with Rob the other night.
Older Memory: See above.
Number: 14
Colour: Green
Word: Shit.
Phrase: "That cracked my shit up" or "Ain't that some shit"
Magazine: Mother Jones
Tacky Pick-Up Line: Nice shoes, wanna fuck?
Language: French
Country/ies: France
Flower: tulips
Girl's Name: Not sure
Boy's Name: Dylan or Cole
Chapter 5: This or That?
Lefty/Right: I'm and ambi-turner!
Rock/Country: Rock
Diamonds/Pearls: Diamonds
Blondes/Brunettes: Blondes
Puppies/Kitties: Either
Contacts/Glasses: that I have a choice
USA/Canada: Canada rocks
Gold/Silver: silver
Hummer Limo/Stretch Limo: how about a stretch Hummer?!? Those are SWEET!...I think that's what they meant by hummer limo Abby!
Gatorade/Powerade: Gatorade
Diet Coke/Regular Coke: Diet...regular coats my teeth
McDonalds/Burger King: Either
Chicken Fingers/Chicken Nuggets: Either
Skiing/Snowboarding: Never tried either
East Coast/West Coast: Either
Jay-Z/Snoop Dogg: Snoop Dogg
Jennifer Aniston/Angelina Jolie: Jennifer....poor, poor Jennifer
Marissa Cooper/Summer Roberts: these are stupid questions...I concur, Abby.
George Bush/John Kerry: Kerry
Britney Spears/Christina Aguilera: Gross
Lindsay Lohan/Hilary Duff: Gross
Tim Horton's/Starbucks?: What the shit is Tom Horton's?
Snow Day/Spring Day: Spring
London/Paris: Paris
New York/L.A.: New York
Golden Retriever/Chihuahua: Retriever
Morning Person/Night Person: Night
Chocolate/Vanilla: depends
Shower/Bath: Either
Love/Money: love
Nike/Adidas: Adidas
Target/Walmart: Walmart is fucking EVIL!!! Targhetto all the way!!!
AIM/MSN Messenger: AIM at home, MSN at work....damn firewalls
Blahnik/Birkenstock: Blahnik!
Janice Dickinson/Twiggy Lawson: Huh?
City Mouse/Country Mouse: City
Winter Olympics/Summer Olympics: Either
NCAA/Professional Sport Leagues: Meh
Mexican Food/Italian Food: Depends
Pink Wristband/Yellow Wristband: huh?
Summer Wheatly/Pedro Sanchez: Pedro all the f*ing way!
Chapter 6: Do You...
Shower every day?: Yes
Write little memos on your hand?: No...clean hands are good hands!
Have any special sleeping requirements, i.e. lights off, left side, etc...: I like it dark, with some kind of noise, bu tnot loud. I like to be wrapped up tight in blankets, but need to have a foot out in the air. That's about all.
Have your driver's license?: Yep
Hold citizenship to more than one country?: Nope
Exercise?: Shopping is my cardio
Think you're attractive?: Somedays
Like yourself?: Most days
Have any weird little habbits?: All kinds
Chapter 7: Have You Ever...
Gone skinny dipping?: Yes
Smoked a cigarette?: Yes
Smoked a cigar?: On my 18th birthday
Smoked anything else?: who hasn't?!?....I haven't Abby!
Kissed a member of the same sex?: yes
Been in love?: yes
Been heartbroken?: yes
Shoplifted?: yes
Been in a fight?: yes
Snuck out of you're parent's house?: yes
Been chased by the cops?: yep
Made out with a stranger?: only once
Had sex with a stranger?: noo
Lied to a friend?: yes
Had a crush on a teacher?: yes
Skipped school?: yep
Been expelled/suspended?: ISS cause I was stuck in traffic....with my mom!
Thrown up in public?: oh yeah
Seen someone die?: nope...therefore I cannot see Threstrals.
Been to Mexico?: Nope
Been to Europe?: Nope
Been to the Carribbean?: Nope
Been to Australia?: Nope
Flown first class?: Yeah....I didn't know what the shit to do.
Taken pain killers?: Oh yeah
Taken sleeping pills?: Nope
Taken drugs?: No
ODed?: No
Got alcohol poisoning?: No
Been in an abusive relationship?: No
Rode in a limousine?: Nope
Gone SCUBA diving?: Once or twice
Gotten stung by jellyfish?: Oh yeah
Gotten stung by a bee?: Twice
Failed a subject in school?: No
Made a snow angel?: Yep
Written a letter to Santa Claus?: Yes...wishing he'd take Jenny away.
Slept in your parent's bed because you were scared of something?: Yes
Been to sleep-away camp?: Nope
Been on a 3+ day canoe trip?: Nope
Been called a bitch?: Yes
Been called a tease?: Yes
Been called a prude?: No, but is that a good thing?
Been called a whore?: Only in jokes...I think
Had detention?: ISS...see above
Been sent to the principal's office?: Only for good reasons
Met someone famous?: Hillary Clinton, Josh Hartnett, George Bush Sr., and Leonardo DiCaprio
Been robbed?: Someone stole my blue and green pens from my desk last week!
Been cheated out of a large sum of money?: No...unless this degree doesn't pan out
Made a prank phone call?: Uh huh.
Been to the opposite side of the country?: Yes
Cried yourself to sleep?: Yes
Hurt yourself on purpose?: Yep
Kissed in the rain?: Yes
Kissed under a misteltoe?: Yes
Kissed infront of your parents?: Nope
Had a song dedicated to you on the radio?: Not that I heard.
Had a book dedicated to you?: Nope
Been mentioned in someone's wedding or bar/bat mitzvah speech?: Yeah
Been a bridesmaid?: Just a flower girl.
Been a maid of honour?: Nope
Sang in the shower?: Oh yeah
Lost your cell phone and had to get a new one?: Nope
Screamed: Yeah
Had sex in a public washroom?: Gross
Had sex on the beach?: No
Had sex at church?: No
Had sex at a football game?: No
Been thrown in a pool with all your clothes on?: Yes
Broken a bone?: Yes
Made your own porno?: Nope
Laughed so hard you cried?: Oh yeah
Cried so hard you laughed?: No
Slept naked?: Yes
Gone streaking?: No
Played ding dong ditch?: No
Gotten your hair braided in corn rows?: Nope
Climbed a tree?: Yes
Thrown up on purpose?: Nope
Had a threesome?: No
Gone on a rollercoaster?: Yes
Chapter 8: What Makes You...
Happy?: Laughter
Sad?: Being alone for too long
Laugh?: friends and other funny people
Dance?: A good rhythm
Sing?: Something in my range
Scared?: Stupid people
Horny?: be answered on an individual basis...
Feel good?: compliments, hugs, singing, sleeping
Feel bad?: feeling alone
Cry?: stress
Jealous?: not when has something I can't have, but perhaps when they do something I think I can't...
Envious?: see above
Scream?: stupid people
Angry?: stupid people
Smile?: My friends, my Jakey, good music, pretty scenery
Blush?: embarrassment
Sleepy?: a long day
Excited?: traveling, seeing people I miss, getting to make someone smile or laugh
Nervous?: when I am unsure of something
Hungry?: umm not eating
Thirsty?: I'm always thirsty when I first wake up.
Crazy?: Nothing or anything in particular
Bored?: having nothing to do
Feel strong?: having the right answer
Feel important?: praise/complments
Chapter 9: Religion, Morals and Beliefs
What religion do you practice?: None...unles agnosticism is a word
Have you ever practiced a religion different than the one you practice now?: raised christian
Has anyone ever tried to force you into believing certain things?: yes
Has anyone ever tried to convert you to another religion?: yes
How do you normally respond to door-to-door Mormons or Jeehova's Witnesses?: I try not to answer.
Do you/have you been to religious gatherings?: yes
Have you ever attended a religious school?: Yes
What religion are your parents?: Methodist
Would they care if you practiced a different religion than them?: Nope
Do they know what religion you practice?: yes
Are you open about your beliefs?: yes, except to the older relatives who would be heartbroken
Have you ever lied about your religious beliefs to impress someone?: see above
Have you ever disliked someone else, simply because of their religion?: not at all
Do you believe a superior being exhists/existed and created life?: to an extent...
How do you feel about Jesus?: A wonderful protagonist in stories that may or may not be true...
What holy book do you think is most accurate? (Bible, Koran, etc.): One can't be accurate without the other being inaccurate, therefore none.
Do you believe in one God?: not by that name
Do you believe in many Gods?: no
Do you believe in no God?: in a sense
Do you believe in the traditional heaven and hell?: nope
Do you believe in ANY sort of heaven and hell?: never really put any thought into it
Do you think God/the Gods are vengeful or nice?: I hope so
Do you believe in angels and demons?: no
Do you believe in spirits?: yes
Do you believe in miracles?: Yes
Do you believe in the Holy Trinity?: No
Do you believe in predestination?: No
Do you believe in original sin?: Nope
Do you believe in freedom of will?: yes
Do you believe in souls?: not sure
Do you believe in a thing called love?: yes
Do you believe in astrology or horoscopes?: yes
Do you believe in evolution?: yes
Do you believe in life on other planets?: The idea that humans are the most intelligent lifeforms in the universe scares me.
What do you think will happen when we die?: no clue
Do you think religion and science will always oppose one another?: Most likely
Why do you think we exist?: One giant coincidence...not accident!
What would you say to God if you met him/her/them today?: Got any licorice?
Are you supersticious?: at times
Do you dress a certain way because of your religion?: nope
Do you think people who subscribe to a different religion will go to hell?: nope
Do any of your religious beliefs prevent you from doing certain things?: rarely
Do you chant, fast or meditate?: nope
Do you believe everything/agree with everything about your religion?: hardly anyone does
Do you think that no one else is right but yourself?: No
Do you feel superior to people who don't believe the same things as you?: No way
Do you think everyone should practice your religion?: Nope
Are you interested in learning about other religions?: Yes
Do you believe in separation of church and state?: Yes
Are you a democrat, republican, or neither?: D
How do you feel about abortion?: Woman's right to choose
How do you feel about gay marriage?: Let's get it legalised!
How do you feel about marijuana?: it won't be such a big deal if it's legalized....legalizing it doesn't mean I have to smoke it, but I sure don't want to have to always be smelling it. Yuck.
How do you feel about cloning?: What's the point?
How do you feel about the death penalty?: An eye for an eye makes everyone blind...good one Abby!
How do you feel about the war in Iraq?: against it
Did you ever call french fries: hell no
How do you feel about the Bush administration?: ridicerous
How do you feel about racism?: it's shitty
How do you feel about premaritial sex?: Don't you want to try on the shoes before you buy? smart about it!
Do you support any charities or causes you believe in?: Yes
If yes, what are they? If no, why not?: I donate blood, clothing and food to our local shelter as often as possible.
Are you a veggeterian or vegan?: No, but learn how to spell! (I'm with Abby again)
Chapter 10: Relationships
Do you consider yourself a good friend?: yes
Would you rather have a lot of friends or a few good friends?: A few good friends. Quality matters so much more than quantity in this deparment. Why would you spread yourself so thin that you have very few good friendships? To me that isn't a friendship at all.
Who are is/are your best friend/s?: I started to list them and then realized they virtually have nothing in common. Therefore none of them are "best"
Do you and your friends have a name, like: huh?
Do you have a lot of friends?: I like to think so, but not all of them are quality friends.
How many would you say you had?: 200, 10 close.
Has anyone ever told you that you were a good friend?: Fortunately, yes.
Has anyone ever told you that you were a bad friend?: No
Are you more outgoing or shy?: I go to both extremes.
Do you consider yourself better than your friends?: Hell no
Do you and your friends consider yourselves better than other people?: No
Do you like to make new friends?: Yes
Do you talk a lot?: Yeah
Are you a gossip?: Everyone is.
Have you ever lied to one of your friends?: This is a repeat question. The answer is still yes!
Have you ever lied about who your friends are?: No
Have you ever revealed a secret which you promised not to tell?: Yes
How many of your friends are guys?: 1/3 of my good friends are guys.
Are you with someone/single/dating?: single
Have you ever been in love?: yes....what is with the repeat questions...this survey is long enough!
Do you believe in love at first sight?: First impressions can be a bitch.
What's the longest relationship you've ever been in?: 8 months
Would you ever be with someone who your friends didn't like?: yeah
Would you ever be with someone who your family didn't like?: I usually am
Do you care about how people look?: yes, attraction must be there, but that doesn't make you vain.
What is the first thing you notice in the opposite gender?: height
What's your favourite hair colour?: i dunno!
What's your favorite eye colour?: green
Short or long hair?: short on guys
How would you want a significant other to dress?: whatever suits him
Does money matter?: Unfortunately, yes.
Would you ever date someone who was sweet but not good looking?: probably
Would you take someone who was good looking but an asshole?: hell no
Have you done either of the above?: What do you call 8 months with Dan?
Are you a virgin?: Nope
What's the most expensive gift you've ever gotten someone you were dating?: Tickets to see Hamlet, probably - but we broke up before the show.
What's the most expensive gift you've ever recieved?: jewelry I'm now allergic to.
Do you prefer single or double/group dates?: single
What's your dream date scenario?: stupid
Do you want to get married?: Eventually
Do you want to have children?: yes
Chapter 11: Technology
What type of cell phone do you have?: a tiny Sony Ericsson
Is it a camera phone?: no
How often do you use your cell phone?: everyday, but no one calls me except relatives...i hate that. I actually saw that only 1/3 of my minutes are from incoming calls. Sad.
How many people do you have in your cell phone address book?: About 50.
How often do you text message?: I only God intended.
What are the last 4 digits in your cell phone #?: 7431
Do you have your own computer?: Yes
If yes, what kind? If no, whose do you use?: iBook laptop
What is your e-mail address?: those who need it, have it
Do you have MSN Messenger?: yes
Do you have AIM?: yes
Do you have wireless Internet?: yes
Know HTML?: yes, sort of
How many hours per day do you spend online?: It's on 24/7, but I am there for about a half hour
Do you have a Sidekick or Blackberry?: Nope
Do you have a digital camera?: best friend in China
Do you have an iPod? If yes, what kind, and how many songs?: Maybe soon!
Chapter 11: Education
What college/university do you go to/want to go to?: I WENT to Hamline!
Do you like school?: Yes
Is your school in a different location than your family?: Yes
If yes, where, and how far from home are you?: I was 900 miles from home.
What sports/extra curriculars are you currently involved in?: I'm not in school anymore, dumbasses
What is your school's athletic team called?: It WAS the Pipers!
What is your school mascott?: Piper, dumbass (can you tell I'm sick of this?)
What are your school colours?: maroon and gray or some shit
What year was your school founded in?: 1854 -MN's 1st University and still ahead of its time!
Who is your school's biggest rival?: your mom (I love letting Abby's answers be mine!)
Do you feel superior to people who go to other schools?: yes, because Hamline is the SHIT!
What are your grades generally like?: I think I pretty much got all As and Bs
What is your year?: I graduated in 2005
What is your major/minor?: My degree is in Psychology and Anthropology
What would you like to do after graduation?: Grad school eventually
What would you like to be when you grow up?: HR consultant...weird, I know.
Chapter 12: Pick Your Perfect...
Pizza: chicken, spinach, garlic and feta
Bagel: plain cream cheese
S'more: is there more than one kind?
Sandwich: philly cheese steak
Sundae: is there more than one kind?
Chapter 13: Ratings (How Important is/are)
Friends: extremely
Family: extremely
Music: extremely
Love: extremely
Happiness: extremely
Money: quite important
People: quite important
Animals: extremely
Life: well, that's pretty important I would imagine!
Education: extremely
Religion: somewhat
Medication: probably if I was sick, I would say extremely
Food: extremely
Sleep: extremely
Health: extremely
Nature: extremely
Shopping: quite important
Comfort: extremely
Sex: extremely
Clothes: extremely
Phone: extremely
Computer: extremely
Chapter 13: Random
If you could take back one thing from your childhood, what would it be?: fighting so much with Jen.
Would you rather win an Oscar or a Nobel Prize?: Nobel
What 5 items would you bring with you on a desert island?: A full mp3 player, lifetime supply of Chipotle, Matthew McCoughnahey, fresh water, and a library
Who were you named after?: Great Aunt Sarah
If you could be anything/one you wanted, who/what would you be?: I want to be my sister for a day so I can see what kind of bitch I really am.
If you were on death row, what would you request for your final meal?: Liver and brussel sprouts...then death would be more appealing!
If you could travel anywhere in the world, which location would you pick?: Southern France
Name 15 people in history whom you'd invite to a dinner party: Shit. Everyone from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Why the hell not?