Sep 22, 2005 11:32
Yesterday afternoon I got home and for the first time didn't feel tired and headache-y. So I dove right into cleaning the kitchen and the hamster's cage. You non-compulsive people have no idea how frustrating it is when you can't physically stay in the presence of a mess, yet if you are not in the mood to clean it up then you're forced to hide in a room that is mess-free. In my case this is my room, of course. So since I was feeling much better yesterday I was finally motivated to have a good 'ol fashioned cleaning jamboree. I was doing so well I even influenced my sister who cleaned up most of her crap in the dining room. Now I can actually bring my laptop in there and work at the desk now. (Ooohs and aaaahs may be inserted here). After I cleaned the kitchen and the hamster's cage Jen went in there to cook dinner. I didn't even let her finish cooking before I went in and started cleaning up again behind her. She put dinner in the oven, I finished cleaning once again and then I had to make a joke about my anal-ness and so I put on my best computer voice and said, "homeostasis restored." Meh. I thought it was funny.
We heard from mom that she is following our lead and switching to just the use of a cell phone instead of having a phone number at home. She is paranoid about using all of her minutes. Its cute. Aunt Paula called us too. She congratualted me on my permanent employment and told me about her Anthropology class she is taking. Then we made fun of Jenny possibly becoming a tax attorney for the IRS. I think I forgot to mention that in my novel/entry yesterday...Jen has an interview with the IRS to become a tax attorney. There. I got off the phone just in time to get ready to watch LOST...
Holy hell, was that episode tense! I kept calling everything that was happening like 2 seconds in advance and it eventually got Jen all frustrated. We were so funny though because during every commercial break we would go look at the clock to see how much more time we had. So many questions remain though and it's so intense. I can't believe ABC is trying to push their new hurricane drama show as the best new drama on TV. That's bullshit. I try not to watch tv and to get me so obsessed about a show is incredibly rare. Anyway, I think I am a big dork, but this show is too good.
After LOST was over I got online and and just messed around for the bit. I'm not sure what prompted me, but I was bored and curious so I put Dan, my ex Dan, back on my buddy list just to see if he was online. I hadn't talked to him in over 2 years. He was online though, and I said hey. Yes, this is the Dan with whom, in my early months of having this journal, I was in the process of ending one of the most bizarre relationships I have ever been in. There was no big fight, no lying or cheating. It just ended and the mystery of it all was what drove me crazy. I wanted to have a solid reason to hate him or not want to be with him, but I never did. I still don't. Yet, I whined enough in this thing about how crazy he made me. Really weird to think that I would go looking for him and talk with him again, but alas I did.
I'm not 100% sure if he knew it was me right away since my screen name has changed since I last spoke with him. He seemed to eventually acknowledge that he knew who I was and when I said I felt dumb for contacting him he said I shouldn't and admitted that just a few days ago he had put my old screen name back on his list out of the same odd curiosity. Its weird how coincidences like this happen. Anyway, we caught up on most things. He works at a different store now, but otherwise things are the same with his living and working situation. He said he has dated since me, but I didn't press for details. He didn't ask me much besides where I was. I told him about moving home after graduation, but that was really about it. I did find out that he had testicular cancer almost 2 years ago. He said he caught it early and there was "only one casualty." Still, this is the second friend of mine that has had this particluar kind of cancer. Guys...and girls...check yourselves out. I can't stress it enough. Nearly everyone I know who has died in my lifetime so far has died of one form of cancer or another. I know cancer gets most people in old age anyway, but these two guys were both under 25.
Well, I think it was good to catch up with him and we both agreed we'd like to chat again. Who knows. Maybe we could visit when I am out there in MN in 2 weeks or even sneak into a movie for old times sake.