Mar 13, 2006 21:10
F i r s t s
First best friend: Tyeler Cowan
First car: Sunfire
First screen name: tyfighter99
First self-purchased album: No idea
First funeral: My grandpa... but i was too young to remember it
First pets: Cheamy the dog
First enemy: I don't think I've ever really had any real enemies
First big trip: Disneyland in '94
First music you remember hearing in your house: I'm changing this to "first in vehicle". We played the same few tapes on every trip to green lake. Included such artists as ABBA, Trooper, Billy Joel, Elton John, BTO, etc
L a s t
Last car ride: I think it was a 3.5 hour ride to the ferry. Ugh, Grambo has an awesome sense of direction
Last good cry: No idea
Last movie seen: Good Will Hunting... started watching it in our room last night. At one point there were 11 people watching
Last beverage drank: Milk and Orange Juice... it was kind of simultanious... don't ask.
Last food consumed: Beef stew
Last crush: ???
Last phone call: Chelsea and Colin
Last time showered: This morning
Last shoes worn: My Nike trail runner. I don't like Nike but these are by far my favourite shows ever.
Last item bought: 12 bottles of Sleeman's and 100 DVD-R's at the same time
Last time scolded: Probably last time I was home... they kind of go hand-in-hand
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
01. who are your very best friends? Colin and Jim, then Yonase and JP, then Chelsea and Delaney, then the rest of the Dingwalls and a couple others
02. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
01. where is your favorite place to shop?: Value Village and sports tores
02. any tattoos or piercing?: Nope
01. do you do drugs?: Never. I probably turn down pot 8 or 9 times a week.
02. what kind of shampoo do you use?: Pert Plus
03. what are you most scared of?: Not being successful
04. what are you listening to right now?: My vast collection of 5539 songs, Sunday Jen by Slackstring is playing right now
05. where do you want to get married?: Outside somewhere... preferable in a cool part of the world if I could afford it.
06. how many buddies are online right now?: 35
07. what would you change about yourself?: I don't know... maybe tweak my appearance a bit but only because I can't think of anything else
f a v o r i t e s
01. color: Blue, orange and greem... depending on lighting conditions, haha
02. food: Oh, so many to choose from... my newest favourite is Panacotta a custard based dessert
03. boys' names: Easton... that's right, after the hockey sticks
04. girls' names: I don't know, something unique and flowy
05. subjects in school: Highschool: PE, Jazz Band, Leadership University: Electronics, Chemistr, Physics
06. animals: Dogs, Otters, some other. In my RA interview they asked whatkind of animal you would be and I said and otter.
07. sports: Hockey, Curling, Golf
08. perfume: No idea
09. cologne: No idea
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
01. taken a bath with someone? No
02. smoked? The occasion cigar
03. made yourself throw up?: No
04. skinny dipped? No
05: been in love? No
06. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? No
07. pictured a crush naked? ...maybe
08. actually seen a crush naked? No
09. cried over someone who died? Maybe when I was really little. Damn, i am heartless, grandma, dog and great and got no tears
10. lied? Not in a long time
12. fallen for your best friend? No
13. been rejected? Nope... haha, the only benefit of my love life
14. rejected someone? Yeah
15. used someone? No... unless it was for some food or something minor, haha
16. done something you regret? Yep
c u r r e n t
clothes: Jeans, Quicksilver shirt, Team Canada hat, Glasses
music: Donavon Frankreiter Band... anyone who likes Jack Johnson should check it out, they're really similar
make-up: Nope
smell: Smells pretty normal around here
favorite artist: Slackstring, Cat Empire... I'll stop with those two. It could go on for a long time
desktop picture: Lamborghini Murcielago LP 640 taillight
l a s t | p e r s o n
hugged: Not sure, probably someone in Chilliwack
you imed: JP or Tom
a r e | y o u
open minded: I think so. I've even had long intellegent talks about religion here and looked at both sides.
arrogant: I hope not, I hate arrogant people
interesting: I don't know, I know I can be sometimes, but on average I think I could be boring
moody: Not at all
hardworking: Not at all
healthy: Yeah, I think so. Except my back
attractive: Let's get some girls opinions
bored: Only when homework is in my presence
responsible: Too responsible
obsessed: I was with Seinfeld until I watched every episode
angry: I'm not an angry person
sad: Only when my back prevents me from playing sports
disappointed: I'm disappointed that I can't bring myself to work hard and actually make an effort with school
hyper: Not really
trusting: I think I'm very trusting
talkative: When I feel like it
legal: No, 5.5 months
w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill: Not too sure
slap: Oh, there's a few sometimes
look like: Pre-governer Arnold, haha... not... No idea
talk to online: Someone interesting
w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
coke or pepsi: Coke
flowers or candy: Flowers!!!... haha
tall or short: Tall
thick or thin: Usually thin
Long or short: Long?
r a n d o m
in the morning i am: In so much pain!
all i need is: Love, do do doo do doooo... Beatles reference
what do you notice on a person first: Whether they're a guy or girl, i guess
last person you danced with: Not sure, do I can't the ones that force me to dance with them
worst question to ask: "Why won't you blaze with us?"
who makes you laugh the most: Colin probably
who makes you smile: Mainly people that are always smiling themselves: Chelsea, Deanne, Delaney
do | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: No, not really
wait to see if i don't IM someone first if they will IM me: Yeah, I do that sometimes
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: No
Wish you were younger: Yeah
n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: Never
of hearts i have broken: A couple
of guys i've kissed: 0
of girls i've kissed: A very pathetic number
of continents i have lived on: 1
of tight friends: 5 or 6
of cds i own: Including burnt ones, over 70