( layout ) vive la reine!

Jun 01, 2010 22:11

SORRY FOR THE SPAM, and thank you ahead of time for being my guinea pigs. I like this one better--it reminds me of this profile so consider it matching? Hahah! Just like last time, if you find any glitches/improvements, please let me know!


Originally posted at layering @ livejournal
Texture by theinspirationgallery
Tinyicons by famfamfam & pinvoke */

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/* FOOTER & ETC. */

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/* Tinyicons */

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➋ Make sure all drop-down boxes say NO and copy+paste the code HERE.
➌ Sidebar is disabled, sorry!
➍ This layout has been tested in Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and IE.
➎ I'll try to answer any questions you have, but like I said before, I'm new at this whole thing so it'll be a learning experience for both of us. :)
➏ Tinyicons are by pinvoke & famfamfam, and the texture used is by the inspiration gallery.
➐ Oh, feel free to edit this as long as you keep the credit. I know it's not perfect, but I still worked hard on it. Thank you! ;;♥

type: layout, !user: annay

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