Names: who he was and who he is.

Mar 06, 2009 10:26

(( You thought I was done with my nickname-fetish?  HAH. ))

James isn't Sawyer any longer.  He hasn't been for a while, truth be told, especially not since the island started skipping like a goddamn scratched record.  Probably not for a good time before that, too.  Juliet had never called him Sawyer, and Locke had one day decided to fixate on his actual Christian name, like the annoying ass he sometimes was.  The kids from the freighter, even, had flucuated 'tween James and Sawyer until they gave in and called him just what the others had been.

But he definitely isn't Sawyer, and he knows that 'cause of his Dharma jumpsuit.  Okay, it ain't like it says his real name in the stitched embroidery on the pocket, but LeFleur is a sight closer to Ford than Sawyer.  He likes LeFleur.  It's different, it ain't got no connotations to it except what James gives it.  He never went in for fake names during grifts, leastwise other than Sawyer, but James fits right into the idea of Jim LeFleur.

It's new, it's different, but it suits him.  He's done with Sawyer, with the idea of the man, and he never really was a Ford.  But LeFleur, head of security for the Dharma Initiative, LeFleur, who comes home ta the goddamn beautiful Juliet, LeFleur, captain of a salvage ship?  Yeah, that'll do.  Very fuckin' nicely.

(( I had been noticing all season that no one had called Sawyer ... "Sawyer".  I want to see if the Oceanic 6 do, and how James reacts to that, because I think Kate and Jack, at least, think of him as Sawyer, but James seems to have finally successfully distanced himself from that, which is awesome. ))

dharma, nicknames, *season 5, !story

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