Meta meme~

Dec 05, 2008 08:44

Pick one song and ONLY one to describe yourself. Post it. After that, others can comment and tell you what they think your song should be, however outrageous.

I'm shit at these sorts of things for -myself- and it's even harder doing it for Sawyer. So I was putting this off, then I randomly listened to a mix CD I made a few years back, and Harvey Danger's "Wine, Women and Song" struck me as a pretty good song for Mr. Ford. It would require too much self-awareness and honesty for him to post it up himself, though, and it's also not really the type of music he would listen to. So, yeah.

Wine, Women and Song by Harvey Danger

Wine, women and song: I tried them all
it did not take me long to figure I'd unlock the door to happiness
I figured wrong (with a capital R)
All the baggage I brought wouldn't fit in a mid-size car
That's why I'm walking on eggshells down the via dolorosa
(hasn't gotten me any closer so far)

Shacked up with a poet--no, it wasn't my department
Now I study the poetry of the studio apartment
Changing the catbox, baking the bread...
I shoulda been paying the bills instead of paying homage to an image
drawn from somebody else's head

Song, women, and wine:
You can't fool all the people all the time
But if you're trying, if you're looking, if you're lucky
You can always fool a few and feel fine
is the line between shame and dread:
One grips the lungs, one brains the head
But either one can crush you
Anyone can crush you

Once I dated an actor, she was working on a play;
by opening night we had nothing left to say to each other
It hit the wall, it was not resilient
She said that she was hungrier than I was brilliant
and who the hell was I to disagree?

Didn't you used to be someone who meant something to me?

Wine, women, and song:
I tried them all it did not take me long
to figure I'd unlocked the door to happiness
I figured wrong.

This might be a good youtube video of the song, found here, but I can't see youtube while at work so no guarantees. (:

meme, music, !ooc, !meta

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