recipe challenge post 1

Jan 08, 2007 13:24

recipe: swedish potatoes with anchovies
cookbook: slow cooker: one-pot cooking and casseroles by catherine atkinson

i've decided to re-name the whirly-inpired, cookbook-related resolution. challenge just sounds more fun. and last night, i accepted and passed my first challenge.

you see, i started back to work today and knowing that it was going to be the week from hell, i wanted to at least have a couple of pre-made meals in the freezer. i already had the ingredients for a lasagna, but i figured if i was going to be cooking anyway, i may as well throw another dish in there for good measure.

i wanted something easy, with just a few ingredients and requiring minimal attention (my short attention span really is my downfall in the kitchen, making even things like toast and top ramen a total crapshoot) so i selected something from my slow cooker/one pot/casserole cookbook: swedish potatoes with anchovies.

why that? well, for starters, potatoes are good comfort food and i'm expecting to need some serious comfort this week. but beyond that, i love anchovies. so there you go.

the breakdown:
- food prep: super easy, just peel the potatoes and slice into sticks, peel onions and slice into thin rings, strain the anchovies, mix a little anchovy juice and ground pepper with cream, and layer it all into a buttered crock pot. could've been even easier if i'd used red potatoes that could've gone in with their peels.
- cooking: turned it on and walked away. what could be easier than that? the recipe said 3.5 hours on high. i didn't believe it, but sure enough, it was ready right on the dot. and gave me plenty of time to tackle the lasagna while it simmered merrily without need for intervention. gotta love a good crock pot.
- taste: shockingly good! the anchovies basically melted into a salty paste giving just the perfect non-fishy flavor to the potatoes. i did have to substitute shallots for the second onion when my first onion turned out to be a little past, but it tasted great.

all in all, a highly successful first attempt and another great recipe to add to my short list of staples. yay!

first january recipe down, one more to go for this month.

clarification question for whirly: does it have to be two per month or if i have a whole multi-recipe using extravaganza, can they all count against the total for the year?

i need a new cooking icon. :)
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