Jul 23, 2006 08:02
Yesterday was just one of those days! Trying to beat the heat - we made an attempt to get to the coast where the air is a bit cooler, but the Universe had other plans. The transmission on the car blew at around 1 p.m. and I walked to the nearest garage - luckily only about a mile away but OH LORDY! was it hot. John waited in the sweltering heat for the tow truck (that took about an hour) and I tried to get a taxi home, but they got lost and couldn't find the garage. When we finally did get home, we spent the rest of the day camped out in the office (the only room of the house with air conditioning) and picnic'd with the beach mat, the cooler, and a picture of the beach on the laptop. I even wore sun screen and a hat to help set the mood! Today we're going to rent a car and try again...