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May 29, 2012 20:57

Life, 9 days later:

I never worked out. Our AC is STILL out. It is in the upper 80's in my house every day. I'm dying. I hope we can get it fixed in the next couple of days. Billy decided he did not want to pay United Air Temp (I don't blame him). He wants to have Steve fix it instead. Paying the Family Rate is nice, but it also means that we're a "side job" and not a priority. If Steve can't fix us by the end of the week, I'm calling someone else.

My mom flew in last Thursday and left today. I've pretty much done nothing but eat and watch movies for the last 5 days. I feel huge, but happy. My mom is crazy and makes poor life decisions, but I still miss her.

My sister, on the other hand, was a henious bitch the whole weekend and I'm really disappointed in her.

3-day work week! This is going to be a terrible week. Tomorrow is Taylor's last day. Friday is Rick AND Adam's last day. I am going to cry the whole day. What am I going to do without Adam?

I'm debating on getting on the scale tomorrow and seeing my damage, or just waiting until Sunday to let my body normalize. Seriously, there isn't a favorite form of junk that I did not eat this week.

Some good things, though: Last year's shorts are really baggy! Also, Daddy put a pool up in the backyard on Sunday. Billy and I ran to Target to buy bathing suits since we didn't bring them with us. I fit into a L instead of an XL this year! Sloooow progress, but progress!!

I'm gonna go lay under a fan now.
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