Fare thee well
fantasywithbite. Once upon a time, I friended the comm out of a desire to check up on awesome books that I might otherwise be missing out on.
But of late, you've become fonder and fonder of vitirolic reviews. You seem to believe the amount of venom you spew is equivalent to the amount of smart and awesome that is you. It's...not, really. It makes it very difficult for me to engage with any valid argument you might be trying to make. People who have tried to explain this to you, or disagree with you suddenly find themselves within spitting range.
I don't know why it's taken me so long to defriend the comm (actually I do. What with househunting and keeping me and my darling fed and presentable for work, there has been precious little lj time to read my f'list), but for the sake of my blood pressure, I'm glad I have the time to do it now.