Aug 05, 2007 01:13

    I joined an org - Anthropology Society (AnthroSoc). At first I thought I wasn't allowed to join an org because I remember reading in one of my VAAS forms that before I join an org I have to ask permission from my Coach Kiko or as we like to call him CK. haha. But then I was talking to one of my team mates - Ate Tina who's's her last year... it's so sad. And she said that it's okay to join an org. She joined one, you see. Her org's bolera. It's this group of girls that play basketball. So there, I decided to join one too since I have tons of free time after training and this org isn't as heavy as the other orgs that require tambay hours. Well there are tambay hours but not as massive as the other orgs.

AnthroSoc is just like one big barkada. You just go to the tambay place whenever you feel like it and chat with them! So much fun! haha and you attend discussions on anthropology and other stuff. The latest thing we have going on is for this weekend already. We're going to be selling food during the UPCAT. I'm not exactly sure about the details because I was late for the meeting kanina but that's what I got.

Anyway it's a really interesting should join! haha.

Hmmm.... what else should I write about?

Oh yeah... yesterday was wednesday and we had training. But super light training! Here's what we did:

6:30am - Got to the gym. Rookies like me have to be there 30mins before the actual call time to prepare the equipment: jug, water, ice, bats, balls, bases, backstop...and so on. scut jobs in short. But usually if we start at the gym we only need the jug of water and the ice.

7:00am - Warmed up. Short run but fast paced.

7:30am - Got back to the gym...NO COACH to be found! Looked around. went to the weights room, texted coach and so on. While waiting for Coach we played....BASKETBALL!

8:10am - Coach finally texted. Told us to do some weights. So we went to the weight room and paired up and did the usual things. Half-way through doing our weights Ate Xye calls coach up and he said that after we do our weights to just cool down! CHEERING all around! hahaha... Usually after weights we go to the field. But not this time cause at 1pm we're going to teach public school children to play softball... more info on this later.

9:00am - Done with training!

10am-12nn - Boring Philo Class

1:00pm - "Coaching Time" It's some sort of out reach program this economics org does. They help the school kids of some Balara public school by giving them tutorials, arts stuff and sports stuff. Every wednesday they have different different activities planned usually it's math tutoring but this time they opted for sports and thus - softball. haha. There were about 60 kids! and so we split them into 4 groups and taught them all how to throw, catch groundballs and flyballs and how to bat. In my group, group1 there was this kid named Cristel who kept following me around! AS IN! wherever I'd go, she'd go and she'd always ask for pointers and want to catch and throw with me. It was so cute! haha. At the end of the training session I gave her my old softball mitt which she didn't want to accept so gave it to her bestfriend instead for safe keeping. haha shy kid! Sayang don't have any pics!

3:00pm - went home... lol
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