Aug 02, 2005 10:40
CHANGE --- gosh i really do hate it most of the time. I mean with moving, people getting older and hanging out with different crowds, MOVING, zits, guys...i mean is there ever a time when things are just going to stay the same? Lately, everything is different. In the past year so much has changed with me...i mean first Jordan breaks up with me, my first heartbreak, next I find out i'm moving and then do and have to struggle to be forced to make a new life here, and then the big thing friends changing and just me noticing more how much people at our age try to act so much older than they really are.
I mean what is ever wrong with just being the age we are and just sticking with our own morals and being ourselves? In the blink of an eye its like people's morals about their lives completely change to fit how other people's "wordly" morals are which really irritates me...if you cant tell!
From what I listened to at my new school when I could have been socializing (lol) was a lot of people who...this kills me...were CHRISTIANS and attend church all the time but are talking about their wild party weekends, gossiping, and about guys/girls that they've sleep with or are thinking about it. That makes me so mad...first of all i dont care what they do with their lives b/c okay i mean its their life and if they want to screw someone every night or get drunk sometimes, that's awesome for them, but of course i dont agree with it but its not my deal. It just bugs me to know that people who are christians and who even used to think that having sex before they're married, doing drugs, gossiping and what not was so wrong and they'd never do it no think that they could possibly do all of those things!! Am I the only one who feels this way? That there is nothing wrong to sticking with what we are supposed to do and our morals and what the Bible says and that changing my views on those 3 subjects is STUPID!
I mean, i know people would argue and say they are "experimenting" b/c they are young and what not but really i think thats crap to tell you the truth. I mean if someone wants to try drugs once just to see how it is then i can understand if they just want to try it...but if people continue to do things that are completely wrong i just dont understand that at all! And sex, that seems to be the topic of everything now (lol) but it that important to have sex at this age? What ever happened to "our body is the temple of God"? Does that just get thrown down the drain b/c of our selfish wants at the moment? I mean i'm sure sex is awesome and i bet it'll be great...but it's just not for me until i get married and i think its a little hypocritical to do drugs, gossip, or have sex before we're married if you're a christian right?
I mean i'm not saint and i may have done things that i'm not proud of in my past...but i've learned from my mistakes and will hopefully never make them again b/c i know now what is most important and that is living a godly life!
And who evers says ppl cant have fun w/o drugs, sex, or gossip? B/c man I sure as heck do...and when i'm with my friends we dont do those things...which is what i love so much about my friends!! Ahh sorry about all of that! I know...i have so many opinions which may not be a good thing...who knows!
Leave a comment if you have one, i'd love to talk! *Kisses* The real world just ended and i'm about to ball its so sad! DANNY IS SO HOT!