Vagina junction, what's your function. Taking in sperm and spitting out babies

Aug 30, 2005 15:12

OK, I got a new schedule, with real all IB.

1. Theatre I IB- Petta
2. Psychology I IB- Cline
3. Physics II IB- Doc
4. English III IB- Berini
5. TOK IB- Henry
6. Math Methods II IB- Ankenbruck
7. History of the Americas IB- Abbott
8. Spanish IV IB- Ortiz

Ok, so here is how I like my classes so far.

Theatre- I think I'm gonna have a lot of fun in this class, it has a lot of fun people like Michael and Rebecca. But some people, I can tell, don't even wanna be there. We were in a focus circle and this guy was barely doing anything. I was like WTF you should have some interest in theatre if you wanna get this easy A. But yea, it should be good.

Psychology- THis class seems like its going to be pretty tough, but seems intersting. Mr. Cline is so fucking cool, he is really liberal and was making fun of Prez Bush through the class. But he does go through his notes way too fast, especially when I didn't even read since this was my first class.

Phsyics- This class is going to be really hard, I did the first homework and it was really hard. But Doc is pretty funny with his dry humor. But the people in there are kinda losers and nerdy, but whatever.

English- I think Ms. Berini really likes me, and so far this class is great. I think it's gonna be a good class, and so far it has not been challenging. But she seems like a really good teacher.

TOK- Ms. Henry is like a huge hippy, flower girl, but can be kinda mean at times. But I hope we get a lot out of that class, but I like that there are so many people in there that I like. And lunch is great this day too.

Math- I sit by myself in this class, and I still don't like Mr. Ankenbruck. And I'm actually trying to learn and everyone is laughing and being annoying. And we have alraedy had to take two quizzes which were both really hard, since I don't remember anything from last year, and I was never good at it in the good place.

History- I think this class will be interesting, even though it may be really difficult. I don't like that I'm the only guy sitting on my half of the classroom, but I can live with it. I also don't like have 3 books.

Spanish- I think I may hate thsi class the most out of all of them. No one is in that class, and some of em are annoying as hell. I just do all my work with this cool sophomore girl who was in my spanish class last year. And we're reading every fucking page in our books, and ms. ortiz is all weird and what not.

Okay so that's it for now, talk soon later
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