Jun 17, 2006 21:01
Most parents, when their child turns one, start looking for the perfect preschool program in which to enroll him/her. It looks as if we will not have that problem... WE will be looking for the perfect ivy league college for Lucas.
hehe ;-)
OK.. he's no superfreak... but he is sooo smart! I mean, I'm sure he's a genius! Sure maybe all babies are this smart at his age... but well.. I doubt it! And if they are, I don't wanna know about it. Cuz as far as I'm concerned... Lucas is the smartest little guy I've ever encountered, anywhere!
Lucas spent the past month working improving his vocabulary. He speaks more, he understands more, & he signs more. He's so quick! He's started pointing at objects to let us know he wants something to do with that object. For example, he'd point at the CD player to let me know that he wanted to play with it. So I showed him the sign for music (i couldn't find anything else.)
I showed him once! and he signed it correctly later that evening! and again the next day. He understands SO MANY words, spoken & signed. He understands and signs every word we've taught him.
Forget words... he understands just about every sentence we speak!
Forget understands... he signs in sentences! We didn't even teach him to to sign in sentences. His first sentence, as could have been expected, was "more food." His most popular method of speaking in sentences is to sign either "more" or "play" and then point at what he wants more of or wants to play with.
His first word is officially "dada," referring to daddy aka Greg. Everything is "dada" though.. Other words that he says consistently, even though it's not totally understandable are... clock, cat, dog, cracker....
Words he signs (again.. consistently but not correctly) are milk, food, more, drink, play, book, touchdown, diaper, toilet, bath, music, sleep... I'm certain there are more...
Speaking of diaper... he tells us when he needs a diaper change! It's just the most incredible thing ever! It's funny, cuz the only time he tells us consistently is when he farts! LOL! But we have to listen to him cuz MOST of the time, we'll be changing him soon. It doesn't mean he'll let us easily change him though!
I love that he understands so much of what we say to him. It's basically what I'd been waiting for. Example: Lucas comes over to me. I ask him what he wants. He signs book. I ask him which book he wants me to read. He points. I ask him to go bring me the book he wants. He crawls over to the book and picks it up and tries to hand it to me. I ask him, again, to bring it to me. He crawls, pushing the book, back to me. He hands me the book, sits, & again signs book.
What more do we need?? Oh, yes, I do actually read the book to him :-)
Food... he's eating pretty much everything. I started him on milk a couple of days early so he wouldn't get sick on his birthday, if he did happen to be allergic... I'd been warned so much as to how to get him started and what his response would be... So I gave it to him in a way that I knew he wouldn't refuse.. But I don't think I needed to.. He LOVES milk! Warm, cold, from the original bottle, from a cup, with a straw!
Lucas has a thing for drinks.. or rather bottles.. cups.. umm.. containers. If he thinks there's a drink it in, he'll point at the container & sign drink. It doesn't matter if it's water, juice, or poison! So... I bought a small bottle of whole milk and as expected he pointed at it and signed drink. So... I gave it to him straight from the bottle. He was so excited, he loved it!
But we cannot call milk... milk. Milk is only milk if it comes from mommy. No, he doesn't say mommy yet :-( So, I called it just drink.. Then white drink. Then while we were at my parents, we started referring to it in Nepali, dhudh. It works... I'm just not sure how to not confuse him, later. He's still being nursed. No clue on when he'll be weaned.. Just not now. He's doing better on the chewing.. I'm hoping he'll self-wean... LOL I don't see it happening.
Sigh... he's just so brilliant :-)
He's doing good physically too. He's capable of standing on his own... but doesn't. He's too scared to let go. He cruises really well. He walks, holding our hand, really well. I'm still not in any hurry... but like last month, he wants it SO bad that I'm ready for it.
Well, as for the past month, it's been good and more normal than the month before but it's still a big month. Lucas had many firsts. The threat of an apocalypse with the rain was definitely a first. No internet access at home was a first.. His first bike ride (in the trailer.) The hike was hopefully a first of many! And the rotavirus is hopefully the opposite and we never have to deal with another big sickness again :-( As for the roadtrip, it wasn't really a first since we'd been to NY before, but wow, a trip to OH is not small! And on his first birthday, he got his first bad diaper rash :-(
He also had food firsts... milk & ice cream & cake.. yummy!!
Sleep is still an issue but it's getting better. While we were in Columbus, he started sleeping on a blanket, on the floor, in the living room. All we know is, it means he's asleep and not in our arms. He's waking up less during the night since he's in our bed. Perhaps someday it'll be a non-issue but now, we're OK with the situation. ... umm.... now if I could just figure out how to get him to wake up closer to 7 or 8 or 9am.. and not 6am! But then again.. we've done the 5ams before... so no real complaint!