apparently every time a tooth comes in, he's gonna wake up early and cry... the last few days, he's been waking up BEFORE 5:30am! And lo&behold, i see a fourth tooth up next to his third one. i just hope last night was the last early wake up. this morning he was so tired that he actually went back to sleep at 7:30 (and me too!) and slept for an hour and a half. I wasn't so lucky the few nights before that. Well... Wednesday morning was OK... My family had been here for a week (it was their last day) and Lucas was getting comfortable with everyone. So when I finally quit trying to get him back to sleep at 6am, my dad woke up my mom and handed Lucas to her. I thought she'd be like, "why'd you wake me up" (cuz I would've been) but instead she was like, "my naati! (grandson) everyone else leave! I've gonna play with my naati!" So I said, OK :-) And went back to sleep for an hour!
Yes, now I see the wonders of having family close by. Perhaps in the same apt is too close but close by would be nice.
So anyway.. Lucas has a 4th tooth (top right-his.)
Also, Lucas is crawling. My brother (his thulo mama), Kiran, taught him to crawl. Correctly, on all four. So I guess he's not gonna walk first. He was on the verge of crawling already, but he didn't actually do it til Kiran showed him how. This ain't the best time to crawl but thankfully, he isn't the crawl everywhere type. He still prefers to sit and play with a toy or stand & play. But if he wants a toy that's further away, he will crawl to it. Actually, the things that he's willing to crawl for usually aren't toys. *shakes head* What's weird is he crawls really well at home but he struggled at babygym and at the library... he couldn't get his foot out from under him. *shrug*
His hair is growing :-) And not falling off. We'll see what it looks like on his birthday!
I think there was something else but I can't remember...
So yea.. my family was up and things were good. Lucas actually recognizes who he's talking to on the webcam now. He was, at one point or another, happy with everyone in my family. Some of them even got hugs :-) And we got great pics too. Greg's family will be here for the move... I really hope to get great pics then too!