Mar 25, 2011 15:30
I really like the short stories so far. They are way easier to understand than the poems were. I would say that my favorite story is, “A Good Man is Hard to Find.” The story had a snowball effect. It started out with the grandmother telling little lies here and there. Then she tells the lie about the secret panel in the plantation house she knew as a young women. In reality, there wasn't a secret panel at all. After that the story goes down hill and ultimately they are murdered by the Misfit. From the snowball idea I've come up with an arguable thesis. The consequences of lying only grow over time and are harder to fix the longer left to fester. Of course, this thesis needs some polishing, but I think it's something I can easily write about. I've also seen first hand what lying can do to both the lier and the ones being lied to. The situation for the lier just keeps growing and becomes more crushing over time just like it was for the grandmother. Her whole family was murdered practically in front of her. I actually think it was more horrific to only hear the gun shots because it lets the mind imagine what ever horrific thing possible.
As far as the other short stories go, I think that they were very interesting, but they were a little harder to understand, especially, “Young Goodman Brown.” If anybody reading this understood it clearly could you please tell me what it was about, or at least its universal meaning. Ha ha Thanks!