its a g00d life slippin away...

Aug 31, 2004 02:38

heYy whoa not much happened today...but at 6 my wonderful cuz Caitlin came ova and we went for a walk and to0k pix and stuff (lyke always haha) and den at lyke 7 we left to go to Chilis for dinner f0r my rents wuz mad funny lol...and den we went to0 the pet st0re n lo0k at da pets and saw a guy buy lyke 3535981304813 crickets l0l...n den Sammy came 0va n chilled wit us cuz were jus dat kewl =) lol n den Caitlin left at 10 so0 me n Sammy chilled till lyke 10:40 wen he left lol we'll it wuz a fun nite ima go0 i'll up-date 2morr0 ttyl xo0 love u'z

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