May 10, 2009 21:42
I can honestly say that Holly being here far surpassed every dream I ever had about us reuniting...and let me tell you, there were many.
I vow to not let it go this long again. Its so nice knowing everything is okay..and not just okay, but wonderful. It was like she never left.
Brief Recap:
On Tuesday, when she got here, my mom, her, and I went to California Pizza Kitchen and just talked and caught up. That night we went to Sarah's new apartment, had dinner at Bubba Gump Shrimp downtown, and back to Sarah's for a little Cinco de Mayo fun.
On Wednesday, my grandpa and Ruth drove up from Junction to see Holly and Aunt Dorothy and (Uncle?!) Henry came too. What an experience! Henry was all delusional, not knowing where he was and who we were and such and then he fell asleep on our couch and Bernie Pa and Ruth just lectured Dorothy about putting him in a home. I just kept looking at Holly and were both trying not to laugh at the fact that this really is our family..
Wednesday night we went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse and then met up with Bobby Adams for coffee. We all used to live in the same neighborhood and I haven't seen him since high school. Its crazy how much stuff he's gone through, but it was really nice having the three of us together and it was just a big reality check to how much stuff changes but still stays the same.
Afterward, when we got back home, I called Zach. I had told him the week before that it would mean a lot to me if he would try to make time to meet Holly while she was here. After all, a big part of understanding me is understanding the bond that her and I have and how much losing her for the past 8 years has affected me...and Zach is one of the few people who I have fully opened up to about that.
Anyways, the way he was talking to me on the phone was ridiculous. He has literally been the biggest asshole the past 6 months It was an eye opener having Holly hear what he was saying because she was sitting right next to me, and seeing her shake her head like "What the heck did you ever see in this guy?" I was literally so embarrassed and it just made me realize that he is nowhere near the person I was in love with a year ago. I broke up with him, but its like I've been too afraid to completely walk away from it all, hoping things would change or whatever. But they wont. Anyways, haven't talked to him since and don't plan on it anytime in the near future. Go me! haha
Thursday, we had lunch with my brother and his girlfriend Emily before grabbing some Boba at new obsession..and heading to Boulder. Once we got up to Boulder I drove Holly around and then we walked around Pearl street and shopped a little. Then we met up with Monica, another bestie from Elementary School, and had dinner. After dinner and much chatting, we went to Monica's apartment and Holly and her pregamed a little bit and then I drove us over to my friend Danny and Dom's house, where we spent the remainder of the night.
It was a fun night..such a fun night...I may have made a fool out of myself..but it was just what I needed. All of it. Hopefully I'll have many more good nights like that before this summer is over..
The next day, the boys had to get up early for their graduation ceremony and Holly and I had hangovers that weren't going to go away until 8 pm that next night, much less 6:30 am, so I slept some more and then we drove back to Littleton. I took a shower and then crawled into my bed still wrapped in just a towel and soaking wet hair and slept some more, feeling like getting up might possibly kill me. Eventually, we had to get up though..damn Holly, having a flight back to Florida. Met Sarah so she could say goodbye and then I drove Holly to the airport :(
The rest of Friday was spent recovering some more and then watching me some Grey's online and passing out early. I slept til noon yesterday and then Lyns and I drove up to Glenwood to celebrate her 20th birthday. It was supposed to be a bigger group of us, but it was fun just having her and I go..We had dinner and then went to the Hot Springs, then watched 48 Hours Hard Evidence and fell asleep..well, Lyns fell asleep DURING the show..and I fell I asleep 2 hours after because I was freaked out from watching it..typical.
This morning we went to the Outlets at Silverthorne on our way home and got our mom's gifts for Mother's Day today. Then I just hung out for the rest of the day, took the dog for a walk, went grocery shopping with my brother...etc.
So thats the past week...
Anyways Im excited for summer...even more than usual I think...
I just feel like its a summer of new beginnings and more importantly, one ending..that despite loving him, has needed to happen for a lonnnnng time.
I feel like I have a chance to recreate myself in a way I guess.
*Become Vegan..Yup, at least try it for a couple of months and see how I feel...starting tomorrow.
*Get in Shape...cardio plus yoga/pilates twice a week
*Get tan
*Pierced? Hmm...To be continued.
*A real grown up office more hosting with high school girls..
*Meet new people..summer school class, etc.
*Redecorate my room/bathroom at my parents house
So there you go folks...
I really think Europe had something to do with all this too. So much time to think and learn stuff about myself and what I'm capable of..all by myself!
Oh and I'm going to Waco on Saturday..pretty excited to see all my bros.
I'm so happy at this point in my life!
Love Always,