Welcome to the 8th Grade

Apr 19, 2004 19:48

heres my life in short: I feel like im back in the 8th Grade...

cept this time i have a loving boyfriend and supportive friends...

yesterday i was at the field and some ppl who wont be named were mocking me and sean...sometimes i wish i could crawl in a hole and die...at least sean made me feel better by taking me for a walk and picking me a flower, even though it was a bit beat up. We saw kevin and spoke to him ab bat and he said hed like to meet her, so this saturday it is! hes got the coolest little motercycle thingy that goes 50mph..which isant bad really. I could just picture steph on the back of it :)

im quite bored. Sean jsut called (finally its so late!) he had a game today and lost, got quite beat up, and then had to wait for varsity. At least hes home. Im sad his game is away tommrow...i wanted to go see him play. Im such a proud girlfriend...

um joe's baseball season has sucked thus far, rec team lost on saturday nite and travel lost on sunday. He's playing a rec game now and im sure hes losing...i feel so bad for him

welcome to my life....population 1...me...

hey thats prety cool...i like it :)

im so good sometimes....
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