Nov 30, 2002 22:09

WOOOOO tonight was so great! Me and Jason were forced to go to the Holiday Stroll by Jordan and I'm glad we did, it was SO MUCH FUN!! If u all didn't go u missed out on a lot!! It started at 5 and we didn't get there til until 5:30 or so cuz Jason's parents didn't come on time. When we got there they dropped us off around city hall and we had to walk up to the "statue with the cannons" but we decided not to cuz it was far and lots of people were walking down the hill. So I called up Jordan and told her to come down to Dunkin Donuts and meet us there.

After we met up we all went to Venue #2 which was in a church and was the "BELL RINGERS" but we decided to leave cuz it didnt start til 6 and it was 5:45. While we were walking up the street we ran into Rick and Mike and Rick kept saying he was sick. We met up with a bunch of people on the way too. We got a crazy idea to see how many people that Rick can take pictures with. We got santa, the pope, a guy with dogs, friends, and people in costumes! WE EVEN GOT A PERSON THAT CALLED HIMSELF "MAYOR OF TINKLE TOWN". He was in charge of the port-o-potties!! He knighted Rick and now he is Sir Rick of Tinkle town. We got a pic of that too.

We walked around for about 3 HOURS but it was a blast! Around 9 everyone decided that they were gonna leave so Me, Jason, Jordan, Rick, and Mike started walking up the street and Jason had to go to the bathroom so we left Mike and Rick. The 3 of us after went up to Jennottes and called our parents. My dad came first and was like "I'm not leaving her here alone cuz sum1 could come take her or sumthing" so we stayed and waited for her parents to come, it was kinda funny at the time. She kept saying we could go but my dad wouldn't leave. After her mom came we came home and here I am now!! That's all I have to say for now!

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