Dec 20, 2008 21:16
All the world just stopped now (Tori Amos - ‘Tear in Your Hand’)
"Okay, ready," Sam called out. He stepped from the dorm room of his high school and met Larry, who was waiting in the hallway. Larry looked him over and shook his head. Sam smiled awkwardly at his father beneath his square blue cap. His blue and gold robe hung open over his suit. Larry sighed and stepped forward to straighten it. "Cry and I will never speak to you again."
"I'm not going to cry," Larry shook his head, false tears shaking his voice. "I'm..I'm strong." Then he flung his head to Sam's shoulder playfully and began to overdo sobs.
"Daa-aad." Sam rolled his eyes and pushed his father off. "Get a grip."
"I can't get a grip." Larry looked Sam over, more seriously. " just look so grown up. I can't believe we got you here."
"Me either," Sam shrugged. Larry nodded and patted Sam's shoulder.
"Is your room packed?"
"Yep. Ready to head out as soon as graduation is over."
"Okay," Larry nodded. "We'll pack up the car later. Zoe and Scotty are waiting downstairs."
"Cool," Sam nodded back. He pulled his door shut and started down the hallway. Larry walked beside him quietly and the two men boarded the elevator. Larry looked over at his graduating son and just watched him for a moment. Only had to look up a little bit, thankfully.
"Mom would be so proud of you," Larry said quietly.
"I know, Dad," Sam replied. His eyes went to the floor of the elevator.
"I'm proud of you."
Sam looked over to meet Larry's eyes with a beaming smile. "Thanks."
"Fucking hell I'm old," Larry grumbled as the elevator doors opened. Then he threw his fingers over his mouth and looked around, hoping Zoe hadn't heard.
[verse] future canon,
[with] sam paul,
[comm] muse_shuffle