Me meme too!

Mar 01, 2006 18:15

1 What is your middle name?


2 What size is your bed?

Double or Queen... not sure! There's only a few inches difference!

3 What are you listening to right now?

The Simpsons..

4 What are the last two digits of you phone number?


5 What's the last thing you ate?

Crunchy Nut Cornflakes... in a desperate attempt to lose weight I'm trying the drop a jean size diet... not really working...

6 Last person you hugged?

Addie unless Trevor counts

7 How is the weather right now?

really rather cold

8 Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

my Nan and granddad!

9 The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?


10 Do you have a girlfriend/ boyfriend?


11 How long have you been with him/her?

Uh, two years and three months

12 Do you have a crush?

Yep my addie! And hugh jackman of course!

13 Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night?


14 Hair colour?


15 Eye colour?


16 Favourite colour?


17 Favourite holiday?

i love all my holidays, i don't have a favourite!

18 Favourite season?


19 Ever cried for no reason?


20 Last movie you watched?


21 How many mirrors do you have in your room?


22 Do you know any other fall out boy songs other than "sugar we're going down"?

Uh, who...

23 Have you ever decapitated a barbie doll?


24 Do you enjoy the sensational taste of Starbucks?

Nope coffee gives me a headache!

25 Does the word "horcrux" mean anything to you?

yes it does.

26 Do you have any friends of the gay preference?


27 Do you think Jesus is great?

not really

28 Is cheese like the best food ever, or what?


29 What books are you reading?

Silverthorn, waiting for new ones to turn up!

30 Piercings?


31 Favorite movie?

I can't name just one...

32 Favorite college football team?


33 What were you doing before filling this in?

reading my emails

34 Any pets?

Yep my trevor

35 Cats or dogs?

Dogs... sorry Trevor!

36 Favourite flower?


37 Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to?


38 Have you ever loved someone?

Yes very much so

39 Who would you like to see right now?


(Where did 40 go?)

Damn it. Where’s No 40?
Still no 40!

41 Have you ever fired a gun?

nope, never wanted too

42 Do you like to travel by plane?

Not really

44 What is your favourite Ramen flavour?

What is ramen?

45 How many pillows do you sleep with?

two plus addie!

46 Are you missing someone?

Yes, Lex and my mum...

47 Do you have a tattoo?

Nope, not brave enough!

48 Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday morning?


49 Are you hiding something from someone?

If surprises count then yep!

50 Do you play an instrument?

use to play piano...
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