lawsuit's Halloween party:
00trouble dressed as Tom Cruise.
2lovers dressed as a shrub.
annas_boy dressed as a Care Bear.
arsenicatrophy dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Janie.
brat72 dressed as a HAINLCo, Incorporated employee.
buddharvison dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Oprah Lizardbrains", though it looked more like a sword.
burned2shreds dressed as Dr. Crusher from "Star Trek".
coyote_dyke dressed as a 1980's yuppie child.
crtbomb dressed as a new superhero: Bionic Cow.
dances4newyork dressed as a vampire, and it suited them all too well.
eonblue32 dressed as Winona Ryder.
godoftheempire dressed as a diplomat from Turkmenistan.
hlstrsurfer2006 dressed as Beyonce Knowles riding a turkey.
jcheryl dressed as the Silver Power Ranger.
joeisremy dressed as your brother.
jokerswild1117 dressed as a Care Bear.
libertine_dream dressed as a squirrel.
marius_9 dressed as the main character of "Shadow of a Doubt".
morethan_stars dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Parliament of the Room.
nothingbrite dressed as a substitute trade show booth bunny.
onmywayup dressed as a medium discount.
pimpstress93 dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
raven_loki dressed as Optimus Prime.
redlight_dist dressed as Trent Reznor, though it looked more like Scooter Libby.
resprung dressed as a moist skeleton.
revolutionfaery dressed as a knife, though it looked more like a mummy.
scootananny dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Lazy-assed Artist.
simplerequests dressed as a camel.
snarkydragon dressed as the Viscount of Haverstick.
szyjym dressed as Kate Moss.
theconfoozedone dressed as Nicole Kidman's cousin.
thedancerx dressed as Squidward, though it looked more like a Care Bear.
travisty_theory dressed as something urgent, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
treble_adar dressed as a bottle of Kayvanmax.
unmeaningvessel dressed as John Quincy Adams.
Throw your own party at the
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