(no subject)

Jan 30, 2007 23:08

1. The phone rings. Who do you want it to be? Well, it depends on who I'm waiting for at the time. I always seem to be waiting for something...

2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? If I can ride it to the cart holder thingy. If it's too snowy or cold I'll probab;y leave it and then feel kinda bad for people like chris who have to come out and pick it up.

3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? I'm not sure...I kind of have a hard time listening/paying attention for more than 5 minutes...and I have a hard time not sounding like an idiot.

4. Do you take compliments well? I'm getting better at it. I still cringe inside when I hear them though.

5. Do you play Sudoku? I tried once...It hurt my brain, so I stopped.

6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? As long as I had a nice supply of pot and smokes, and maybe some marshmallows and gorp I'd be alright.

7. Do you like to ride horses? I've always wanted to ride a horse. The only horses I've ridden are those little ponies at the fair.

8. Did you ever go to camp as a kid? Yeah, my mom put me in daycamps and stuff in the summer so she could have a break. I don't relaly blame her. It was fun anyways. I met Becca at camp!

9. What was your favorite game as a kid? Hide and seek. In the dark. I lived for that fucking game!

10. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married, what would you do? Well, It's their mistake to make, and they have to deal with the consequences. Of course, I'll warn them, tell them it isn't right and shouldn't happen, but if they insist [come on now ladies lets be serious] You just have to take them up on that offer.

11. Who do you want to be with right now? No one, right now is my special alone time. :)

12. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you? I really don't think I could. I believe religeon in general is bullshit. I can't deal with people who actually believe that this random guy in this place called heaven just decided one day 'HEY! Let's create a planet. With these creatures called humans, who will OBVIOUSLY be the best.' So off he went and in seven days He'd created earth and everything on it. Now these humans can't lie, or steal, or cheat, or kill, or do anything fun, blah blah blah. I could go on, but I can't stop thinking about how much I'm wasting my time. Darwin is just so much more convincing.

13. Do you like to pursue or be pursued? Pursued ;)

14. Use three words to describe yourself? Three words notenough. <--Kind of three words...well...4...but two are mashed together.

15. Do any songs make you cry? Hate Me by that...something October group. I cry when I hear it alone.

16. Are you continuing your education?  Well...I'm hoping to.

17. Do you know how to shoot a gun? No, but I'm sure I could learn quick enough.

18. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed? My dog. And my teddybear. And my potdish. And whatever else I could grab.

19. How often do you read books? Whenever I feel like it, and have time. Which isn't as often as I'd like.

20. Do you think more about the past, present or future? Probab;y a mixture of future and past.

21. What is your favorite children's book? I don't really remember. I remember I had this really col book about these little baby chickens who try to paper mache something, and get all covered in paper. The book is shaped like a baby chicken. And it's furry.

22. What color are your eyes? Blue
23. How tall are you? 5'4? Maybe? I don't really know.

24. Where is your dream house located? I haven't thpught about a house yet...

27. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth? Well OBVIOUSLY.

28. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?never

30. Where was the furthest place you traveled today?Downtown, and back. And then downtown...and back.

32. Do you like mustard? Only on hot dogs.

33. Do you prefer to sleep or eat? Mmm...Eat lots...Then sleep!!

34. Do you look like your mom or dad? My mom. Thank god.

35. How long does it take you in the shower? Up to an hour. But then I spend 30 mins after the shower itself drying off and moisturizing and such.

36. Can you do the splits? nope

37. What movie do you want to see right now? I don't even know what's playing.

39. What did you do for New Year's? Chilled at my house with becca and erin.

40. Do you think The Grudge was scary?I could only watch the first 15 minutes.

41. Do you own a camera phone? yeah

44. Was your mom a cheerleader? Definately not.

45. What's the last letter of your middle name? H

47. How many hours of sleep do you get a night? Usually around 9...tonight? 8...thanks to this stupid survey.

48. Do you like care bears? Not at all.

49. What do you buy at the movies? Popcorn.

50. Do you know how to play poker? Nope.

51. Do you wear your seatbelt? Nope.

52. What do you wear to sleep? PJ pants, shirt.

53. Anything big ever happen in your hometown? No. I live in boring places.

54. How many meals do you eat in a day? I don't eat meals. I eat when I'm hungry.

55. Is your tongue pierced? no

56. Do you always read MySpace bulletins? No I like facebook. It's like the MySpace for non-scene kids!!


58. Do you like funny or serious people better? Funny

59. Ever been to L.A.? no always wanted to go though

60. Did you eat a cookie today? no I had a muffin though!

61. Do you use cuss words in other languages? Teste di catso? I don't think that's how you spell it. It means dickhead.

62. Do you steal or pay for your music downloads? Well, I guess if I don't pay I steal don't I...

63. Do you hate chocolate? Yeah, actually. I really don't like chocolate.

64. What do you and your parents fight about the most? Money. And drugs.

65. Are you a gullible person? No, just paranoid.

66. Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy? Well, obviously not if I've been single for this fucking long.

67. If you could have any job (assuming you have the skills) what would it be? A Vet. Or to be famous.

68. Are you easy to get along with? At first, yeah.

69. What is your favorite time of day? Early morning, but only if I've been up all night. It's nice to go out for walks in the early morning. everything is so fresh and new.

Now repost this as "69 Confessions"
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