(no subject)

Dec 21, 2006 23:12

LJ Interests meme results

  1. acid:
    ACID. Mmm. Acid. I've only ever done it once, but I loved it. I haven't been able to find it since that one time. Not that I haven't looked...VERY hard. I was willing to bus out to Barrhaven for it. But I think anyone around here would be willing to do that. I would almost kill for a hit of Acid.
  2. biking:
    Biking?? I put this in my intrests in like...the summer, when biking on E was the best thing ever. Hey, Becca, Remember that time you biked down the stairs and didn't fall? That was fucking awesome.
  3. cheese:
    Haha YEAH CHEESE! I love cheeese. There's not much else to say about it. It's so good. Mmmmmmmm.
  4. cupcakes:
    Yum. Cupcakes. I like cupcakes a lot. I also like making them. Mmm
  5. drugs:
    Drugs in general are great, but stupid at the same time. I love them. Most of them...
  6. ecstasy:
    This drugs being one of the ones I don't like at all. Anymore that is. Fucking stupid ecstasy. Stupid, stupid fucking drug. Stupid.
  7. green day:
    Green Day is my life. I'm not the crazy obsessed fan I used to be, but I figured that was creepy. You know? Like, if you were famous, wouldn't it be so weird to have all these 13-16 year old girls thinking they're in love with you? Or having people tell you they love you, and you've never seen them before in your life, and you're just like 'uhh...thanks...I think...'
  8. music:
    Music? Nothing to say really. Musics great.
  9. :
  10. :

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