getting my wretched hair done soon.

May 23, 2006 17:58

Spider bites, mosquito attacks and throat assaulting illnesses oh my. The previous line would describe my life since Sunday - eloquent, wasn't it?

The above picture can be viewed here, It's a pimphand photo (a fan sign, if you will)I took for an up & coming group, which I came to know via the oh~so resourceful myspace. They added me, as they will be coming to Virginia Beach on the 19th of June. What a great way for artists to get their name out for shows. As a result, I'll be going to see the show, and coax the dear sister to tag along. Maybe even recruit a few girls I used to hang with before my livin'-life-straight days. Ha ha! And I don't mean to say that they were addicts themselves. They were fellow dancers. Smile, honey. Smile.

When I sent them the photos (I gave them four, from which they could choose,) I had no idea they'd post it, big as hell, on their front page like that. I assumed I'd just be another scrolling thumbnail like the rest, but naaaah, in benofficial's own words: "we are gonna make it the biggest one cuz its that damn cool lookin" To which I blushingly thought, "Saweeeet." But before I continue, you can visit their myspace page here:

bookmark08.jpg - 23
Anyway.I assume this is temporary 'cuz I'm pretty sure someone will outdo me sooner or later as their fanbase grows. Heh. As for their music, it is of the hip-hop genre and we all know Alexis likes to shake that ass to some good beats. If you're a myspace user, then you just might grin upon listening to their "the myspace song". "Hey baby, remember me from myspace?" HeHehehe.

The group is comprised of five single twenty-somethings, who hail from our own Sorprano's stompin' grounds, you got it: New Jersey. Their look is a combination of the Gotti boys meets Usher; clean, sexy, fresh-faced menzzz. Oh my. So check these guys out, for they may be comin' your way! And if you'd like them to, and you're on the East Coast, book them at a good club you know of and they'll try to make it! NOTE: dacav5 stands for Da Calvary. :)

As for the delicate first line, which I started this post with, I shall try to sum it up in as short a way as I possibly can.

Sunday morning I awoke to a searing pain in my right leg. I reached down to feel that my shin, just merely below the knee, was swollen to the size of a walnut. When I removed myself from the bed, a moderately sized black spider, scattered from sight. Of course it had to be killed. Anyway, I thought nothing of it, only, well, that my fucking leg hurt and was boiling hot to touch. So, later that night I open my back door to make sure everything had been brought in from having grilled out, and a handful of fucking mosquitos take it upon themselves to just breeze on in. I found and killed as many that met my eye, but later on, as I was watching Brokeback Mountain [which I'd seen in the theaters, but felt like seeing again] I felt something sting my face, then another at the bite site. The fuckers had ambushed me. Within seconds I hand bumps on each area, and an increasing pain in my leg. The face I could handle, for it was only a mosquito bite, but the leg, heh, I could not. So I attempt to put something cold on it to decrease swelling - YEAH RIGHT!!! With that being a most unfortunate mistake on my part, I decide to take a bath. While that did decrease the swelling, something else occured. Not only did the infected area turn red, but it grew in size and started to bruise. By Monday afternoon I found it hard to walk, so to the ER I went. There I found out that I'd been bitten by a not yet fully matured widow, most likely male and that he only got a little bit in me. I was dianosed with cellulitis, and discharged with some antibiotics. But not before I found out that I also had strep throat. See, the spider bite made me very sick. In fact I've been having violent stomach cramps as a result. Fucking spiders, man. I HATE THEM! I HATE THEM! So there you have it. I feel better today, but still crawling along. Oh well. Fumigating the house tomorrow, is where you'll find me. Stay safe, all. Even if they say some deadly spiders are not common in your area, be cautious if bit and you have a reaction like I did.

Virtually Yours,
PS: refresh page if format fucks up & beware file size w/fotos taken Sat.

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