Sep 08, 2004 21:37
so this is what it sounds like and wer gojnne fin sometin are we gnne bot are we gnne bot hey yea. apparently my sister came home last night. ate food. had some excellent phone call wit my honey and it made me really happy. tomorrow we're going to interpret my little green notebook. p
i don't know what to do. hahahah so james is back.... climb climb. i have a present for you. ill forget though. family bday [party for me on saturday. the guestttt list is exclusive and unfair but it stands as is i guess, skachyk, lana, danny barry harris, and maybe aaron. can it be and how hey that really fucking freaked the hell out of us. i mean come on thats not what you feel and we all know it. i'm just such a bitter fuck about everything sometimes. for instance ana made me so mad today. its not like i can't see that you're being completely false with me. i know you resent me for going out with lana. i know you think i'm a bad guy for all this bullshit that went on between rhonda and i. i hear things had been blown a bit out of proportion, i guess i'm some infidel. i guess those kids were right about me? :) apparently this no bullshit thing workssss. but do you really have to pretend about it. i guess i like hearing about the reactions people have though. hey there salinger what did you do just when the world was lookin at you?? all my heros could not live with this. he changed his mind with suicide. see just a bitter day. i liked the sitting in the car after school with sam mari and lana. i liked developing some rockin pictures. rockin is my word now.....maybe. i liked yea i liked. i can't write anymore i used to be able to make some page and a half freeverse poem thing in 20 minutes but i guess when things aren't shitty i don't have anything to write about.
except this shit is a two tone army. don't need no money to be a part of the two tone revolution. guatemala i miss you and your cheap thrills. this was spiteful wasn't it??????
i'm going to eat food because eating is exciting and perhaps i
oh yea the music for tonight becasue the name doesn't fit in the box
lawrence arms - Necrotism: Decanting the Insalubrious (Cyborg Midnight) Part 7