The jig's up - the cat knows. . .

Apr 23, 2011 09:58

The cat's been a little suspicious for the last couple of days, but not much, lured into a false sense of security by my very slow packing pace. Even she started to get alarmed at the number of boxes popping up, though, and the emptying of the closet was a dead giveaway. Luckily, she didn't panic and hide under the bed, allowing me to lock her up in the study with the food and the litter box instead.

The movers have come and gone - my entire life packed into 2/3 of a storage pod in under an hour and a half. Slightly depressing, that, but also impressive. Due to the apartment complex I'm moving to being closed on Easter, I'm stuck here until Monday morning, when I will be hitting the road for Durham, NC. My email will remain the same, as will my phone (at least for the immediate future), and I'll pass on my new physical address shortly.


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