I'm worn out. It's one weekend left til we open to the public. Wallaby Day and Opening Gate practice, Lord Mayor's Dinner, Costume Parade, Graduation and Friends of Faire...that's all that is left. Workshops are over...at least classes are done.
1. Glen Cameron has man boobs that dance the "Maren-kay" independently.
1a. He also can't do math, but is good with numbers...
2. People think Flower is pretty cool.
3. Promos should be confirmed, not assumed.
3a. I missed a whole Saturday class of Improv because of poor planning/execution.
4. I am flattered to be asked to help make the Lord Mayor's Dinner happen.
4a. It is intimidating to have to stand up with Bill Teel and address the entire cast and explain how this works.
4b. I am very, very pleased that Bill listened to what I had to say and took my suggestions to use.
5. Having Coy watch the chess match is intimidating - at best.
5a. Being told that he totally bought it when I have a knife thrust at my belly and caught by my bread peel while being "shoved" backward makes me beam with pride about my ability to bullshit the audience!
6. I love hearing the names of my friends being called out at morning meeting.
7. Knowing that the instructors believe in me is awesome!
7a. Some (that I'd never have expected) hugged me and told me they thought I did amazing work.
7b. I have a renewed respect for them and what they do...because they were the amazing ones this season.
8. I wish I could steal Queen Anne for a day and let her play like I do.
9. The statement "You're clothing the whole cast!" makes me laugh a little bit.
10. I will never be comfortable walking through "the alabaster sands of Lady Mary."
10a. Because "that's the most disgustin' thing I ever 'eard!"
11. There are certain people I perform with that I would trust anywhere, anytime, anyhow...and people I don't.
12. The secret to success is "Yes, and..."
12a. Long form still sucks.
13. Never, ever push Lady Bread. She cares NOT who you are. You can bet you will be shunned in the village.
14. Hot sucks. Cold sucks. I'm a temperate climate girl...
15. Starting a workshop day with 1 1/2 hours sleep and a vomiting jag, sets the tone for a LONG morning...
15a. It also makes falling asleep really easy when you finally get home.
16. I've missed my husband.
17. Flower has a really big mouth when it comes to talking about things she's overheard at Court.
17a. Queen Anne is an opinionated, political savvy woman who raises her "sweet, lilting voice" to her husband behind closed doors..."but she is a lovely woman and very polite even though she was raised in France."
18. The creepy goons on cast are alive and well...and multiplying exponentially.
19. It is very strange to have random people in my sandbox without being told they were there.
19a. Who the hell were those huge women with swords on the ship stage??
20. I am looking forward to having lane time with my daughter and my best friend...I got none in workshops.
21. It's nice to have the Director tell you that you've brought NO drama to the season and has heard nothing but positive reviews on you, your performance in workshops and your new character. I call that a complete win.
22. Oh blessed 6 pound baby Jesus in a manger...I'm tired and sore.
Really good stuff happened. Some cruddy stuff too. Ups and downs. Good and bad. Some in my head, some outwardly confirmable. Sad and happy. Frustrated and Flattered.
All a humongous growth process - personal and professional.
Of course, it should all have been expected - the sun rises and sets, why shouldn't workshops?