A Willow Rosenburg and Tara Maclay picspam, focusing on some of the good moments. For
whedonland, my first answer to one of the challenges!
Tara: It's very intense. I'd have to be your anchor, keep you on this plane.
Willow [nods]: I trust you.
Tara: It-it's not like anything that we've ever--
Willow [smiles]: I trust you.
Willow: No candles? Well, I brought one. It's extra flamey.
(Tara doesn't say anything. Willow steps forward and gives her the candle,
closes the door behind herself.)
Willow: Tara, I have to tell you...
Tara: No, I-I understand. You have to be with the person you l-love.
Willow: (smiles) I am.
(Tara looks amazed.)
Tara: You mean...
Willow: I mean. (pause) Okay?
Tara: Oh, yes.
Willow: I feel horrible about everything I put you through. A-and I'm gonna
make it up to you. Starting right now.
Tara: (starts to smile) Right now?
(Willow smiles and nods. Tara blows out the candle.)
Willow: It's fine. (pouts) I don't need to be snuggled. (smiles)
Tara: (smiles back) Vixen!
Tara: (softly, to Willow) I'm not a demon.
Willow: (smiling) You're not a demon.
Tara: He hurt my nose.
Willow: Aw.
Tara: Every time I- (takes a deep breath) even when I'm at my worst ... you always make me feel special.
Willow smiles.
Tara: How do you do that?
Willow: Magic.
Easily one of my favourite 'ships from BtVS.