Our plan to avoid being arrested is Not Get Caught.

Jun 14, 2007 16:21

Re: yesterday's post and the zombie invasion in general, haha, I think the whole thing was awesome. I actually didn't know about it until I'd read a few people's posts, and like some other folks out there in LJ-land, a few of them had me going "aaaaahuhh!" a little bit, on the inside.

BUT: I sense the oncoming apocalypse three times a week or more. That is... not a joke. It's part of my social anxiety disorder. So reading posts by people who are all "gosh that is just not funny! I was really worried! Everyone should have made it clear they were joking, thereby ruining the actual joke!" does not inspire a lot of sympathy from me. WELCOME TO MY WORLD.

What it really makes me want to do is spin a moderately illegal modern-day recreation of the War of the Worlds radio broadcast, actually. Broadcast signal intrusion plus zombies. I'm trying to imagine how I would explain my incarceration to my fellow inmates shortly thereafter. If I interrupted the signal during the '08 presidential debates, you think I could argue it as political commentary?

Oh, my particular post about zombies was laughable mostly because I make reference to a "film crew," which implies both that the script is done enough for us to have started filming and also that this production will have anything approaching a "film crew." Lord almighty. I was watching the director's commentary for The Hills Have Eyes the other day, and Wes Craven was laughing about how he only had twelve people on his crew out in the desert. And that his budget was only $250,000. Suck my imaginary dick, Wes. At this rate my "film crew" is going to be sircharlie & I running in frantic circles next to the camera, a handful of talent that's never been sober in front of a camera before, and half a dozen people who think that we can forego practical effects for "editing."

I mean. I look upon each and every person thus far involved in the zombie movie with infinite affection, and I have faith in a lot of them to be both creative and surprisingly reliable, but if this gets off the ground it's going to be a bumpy ride. The most charitable pay-off will be brief YouTube fame, with a potential niche market in local teens who never got the chance to experience the magic of Letchworth*, since it's about to be renovated into condos.

Letchworth being a psychiatric facility open from the 1930's until 1996. It was a significant step up from hurling the mentally unstable in prisons, but like pretty much every other attempt at corralling society's unwanteds into one spot and paying people to look after them, it didn't work so hot. Because no one can accept that all of these places fostered abuse and neglect, locals have a tendency to greatly exaggerate and severely distort the real problems. Letchworth is swamped in mismatched urban legends and unfounded superstition... Which pretty much makes it the most awesome thing ever for bored kids looking to scare the pants off themselves. Literally.

Dormitories are constructed with one main antechamber, bathrooms and a small kitchen, and three sets of dorm rooms, each with about sixteen beds. The beds and mattresses are all still there, and the lockers and mirrors, and some of the hand-made decorations.

The building right off Secor Road has administration offices, what looks like single-occupancy dorms (for staff members, I guess), and are outfitted for basic medical and dental care in the basement.

Say hello to the Synagogue! The facility also has a Christian church, but it's very out in the open so I haven't been in yet. Also, yanno. Don't wanna burst into flame.

These are of two different administration buildings, set farther towards the golf course that took over a significant amount of the farmland that was once part of the property. It was also shot about a week later.

Another administration building and the powerhouse, plus several workshops. Set farther back into the woods, and closer to the Hudson Valley DDSO, which is why Jorge-- my co-producer and convenient scapegoat-- was the only other person along. Shot last Sunday.

Hello, Dave! indeed. Also at Letchworth: a lot of porn and graffiti about 420, poorly-rendered pentagrams, someone misspelling the word "retarded," and a lot of things about death.

Oh, and kittens!
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